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When my children herx they often did not have traditional flu like symptoms. For one child all we saw was the return of OCD and rages that lasted approximately 5 months. Those symptoms recently resolved when we rotated antibiotics For another child he would get blips of AD/HD symptoms. He was talkative and had manic moments. They were so obvious that even DH recognizes it as a herx.


From what you describe the rash does seem like Bartonella. Sometimes the rashes come and go within a 24 to 48 hour period. I would take a photo for your next LLMD appointment. The headaches can also be Bartonella. I am curious if you started the Azith + Bactrim combo about 28 to 34 days ago? If so its most likely a herx and hopefully you'll see him trend a little better soon.




It sounds a lot like what we are going through...headaches and streaks/scratches that come and go. Sometime wormlike veins. I am in week two of Rifampin for bartonella. I have been getting bad headaches -- and I rarely ever get headaches. They seem to be worse at night. It's definitely herxing. Also more fatigue, increased pain in my foot, lots of sweats, and difficulty sleeping at night. My daughter's herxing was similar after starting Rifampin, although she had more moodiness and anxiety/OCD.


Yes, lots of sweats at night. It can take me hours to fall asleep. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to jump out of my skin.


It sounds a lot like what we are going through...headaches and streaks/scratches that come and go. Sometime wormlike veins. I am in week two of Rifampin for bartonella. I have been getting bad headaches -- and I rarely ever get headaches. They seem to be worse at night. It's definitely herxing. Also more fatigue, increased pain in my foot, lots of sweats, and difficulty sleeping at night. My daughter's herxing was similar after starting Rifampin, although she had more moodiness and anxiety/OCD.



Wow - - I guess I didn't even think about the difficulty sleeping - - he has been having a HORRIBLE time trying to get to sleep at night - - he says it's because he's too hot & sweaty?!?! This has also been going on the last several weeks...


Try wrapping an ice pack in a towel and putting it on his farhead or back for a while and see if that helps. My sweats usually break and then I am cold.


Yes, lots of sweats at night. It can take me hours to fall asleep. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to jump out of my skin.


It sounds a lot like what we are going through...headaches and streaks/scratches that come and go. Sometime wormlike veins. I am in week two of Rifampin for bartonella. I have been getting bad headaches -- and I rarely ever get headaches. They seem to be worse at night. It's definitely herxing. Also more fatigue, increased pain in my foot, lots of sweats, and difficulty sleeping at night. My daughter's herxing was similar after starting Rifampin, although she had more moodiness and anxiety/OCD.



Wow - - I guess I didn't even think about the difficulty sleeping - - he has been having a HORRIBLE time trying to get to sleep at night - - he says it's because he's too hot & sweaty?!?! This has also been going on the last several weeks...


This sounds exactly like my son!! I've laid with him a few times because I thought maybe rubbing his back would help - - and - honestly - I am the one who thought he was going to jump out of his skin!!! He just asked me tonight if we could "turn the air conditioner to ice cube cold and get 10 fans to blow on him" so he could fall asleep - so I know he's definitely uncomfortable!


It sounds a lot like what we are going through...headaches and streaks/scratches that come and go. Sometime wormlike veins. I am in week two of Rifampin for bartonella. I have been getting bad headaches -- and I rarely ever get headaches. They seem to be worse at night. It's definitely herxing. Also more fatigue, increased pain in my foot, lots of sweats, and difficulty sleeping at night. My daughter's herxing was similar after starting Rifampin, although she had more moodiness and anxiety/OCD.





When you say: 'wormlike veins' do you mean purple squiggly veins under the skin? My dd6 has these....just wondering. Thank you.




i also see my ds's dr. he is an integrative MD who does a type of energetic testing. i began getting migraines headaches with aura as a young teenager that lasted until i was about 18. they came back after having my first son. i've always had trouble linking triggers -- sometimes seems hormonal, sometimes wine, sometimes lack of food -- but then it seems disproved. dr believed very likely TBI related. i began homeopathic treatment. after about 4 mths ( also around the time i took bentonite clay), i began having more intense and more frequent incapacitaing migraines. then i got a small bartonella rash on my upper leg that lasted just a short time. unfortunately, the headaches continued in earnest - often and intense. then it mellowed to be about every 5 weeks, i have 1-2 weeks of headaches and the intensity decreased. now it's been about 14 weeks with no headache. yikes -- don't want to jinx myself.



so -- yes, from my experience, i'd say headaches very possibly related to bartonella.

Posted (edited)

S & S you can find some great Bartonella photos on Dr. J's website. www.drjoneskids.com. Go to Bartonella rashes and double click on one of the images and about 95 images will pop up. Towards the end are some images of the purple squiggly rashes related to Bartonella.


CandKRich: The 28 and 34 day period is actually the Lyme growth cycle. When we start a new antibiotic I always mark my calendar as day 1. If you track the increase of symptoms you might be able to pick up on some cycles. For us, tracking cycles have been helpful to determine herx's verses new exposures. I have OFTEN noticed an increase in symptoms right on day 30. We are day 28 since starting Mepron for older DS and I expect to see something in the next couple of days.



Edited by SF Mom

Yes, small purply squiggly-like veins under the skin.


It sounds a lot like what we are going through...headaches and streaks/scratches that come and go. Sometime wormlike veins. I am in week two of Rifampin for bartonella. I have been getting bad headaches -- and I rarely ever get headaches. They seem to be worse at night. It's definitely herxing. Also more fatigue, increased pain in my foot, lots of sweats, and difficulty sleeping at night. My daughter's herxing was similar after starting Rifampin, although she had more moodiness and anxiety/OCD.





When you say: 'wormlike veins' do you mean purple squiggly veins under the skin? My dd6 has these....just wondering. Thank you.


Yes, small purply squiggly-like veins under the skin.


**Thanks. I have these, too. **


It sounds a lot like what we are going through...headaches and streaks/scratches that come and go. Sometime wormlike veins. I am in week two of Rifampin for bartonella. I have been getting bad headaches -- and I rarely ever get headaches. They seem to be worse at night. It's definitely herxing. Also more fatigue, increased pain in my foot, lots of sweats, and difficulty sleeping at night. My daughter's herxing was similar after starting Rifampin, although she had more moodiness and anxiety/OCD.





When you say: 'wormlike veins' do you mean purple squiggly veins under the skin? My dd6 has these....just wondering. Thank you.

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