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Ds12 just added ACS200 intra-oral silver colloid spray protocol for bartonella per LLMD visit yesterday. You slowly ramp up the number of sprays. Going "Hmmm...?" as he woke up with a headache that hasn't gone away with ibuprofen and a self-imposed nap. Not as spunky today, either. Anyway, anyone with experience with this protocol? It's suppose to be very efficacious with bartonella. I'll keep you posted.




The silver nitrate used in the 20's is not the same stuff as colloidal silver of today. Pandas16-have you heard something specific about this product?


He didn't get rid of the headache til next morning. Bartonella rashes became visible the second day on the back of his neck where he has never had them before. Grouchier than earlier in the week. Still doesn't seem to be as spunky.


I can't find anything written on the spray protocol for bartonella, but our LLMD says they are finding it is very effective in the tough bartonella cases--maybe something presented at recent conferences these docs attend.




I think I have the spelling right here: Agyria. Yes, blue & permanent. The company has section where they address this concern and mention the difference between The silver nitrate of the 20's (and the high doses) of before & the colloidal/nano particle silver of today. The number of "blue" cases with all the silver that was given is incredibly few. But, uneducated docs of today would probably still not know the difference and try to scare the begeebers out of you. Dawn

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