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Doctor put our daughter on Ceftin while we wait the results of her Lyme test. We are allergic to the penicillins so options are limited. She can not handle it at all. She has diarrhea running right out of her. Just like water. Covers her bottom and legs, and thats with a diaper. We have been feeding her yogurt, but she hasnt been hungry for much else. Thinking I will be calling the doctor today. Are there other options out there for treating lyme?


You HAVE to get a good probiotic. I think most, if not all, here that have been on abx for any length of time will tell you that probiotics are a MUST. Yogurt is good, but the amount of good bacteria in even the best yogurt is a teen-weeny amount. FLORASTOR has been our friend. It is a good yeast---it will guard against bad yeast setting up shop. We also use a good bacteria based probiotic. One with about 40 BILLION good bacteria and will survive stomach acid. Our son (and others of us at times) has been on multiple abx for 2 1/2 years and he has had VERY few instances of even goopy poop. You can pick it up now at the "national" Big Box store to get started--but get it online for a much better deal. PM me and I will tell you where we get it. Free shipping.


Maybe stop the abx until you can get your child loaded up on some good probiotics and then start again. I would hate for you to unnecessarily give up on the abx when all you need is probiotics.


I am sure others will chime in with their favorites. But we LOVE Florastor. Dawn


We give our ds11 (80 lbs) 2 Custom Probiotics (100 billion microorganisms) and 2 Florastor per day.


You need to find an LLMD who will work on supporting/healing the gut while treating for Lyme. I am so sensitive to antibiotics than I'm doing an herbal-only protocol for Lyme/Bartonella until my gut is in better shape.


BTW...Florastor is the name brand, and it has lactose in it (for those of you, like me, who are lactose intolerant.) Florastor is just a brand name for sacchromyces boullardi. I get mine from an online place (PM me if you want the name). It's less expensive to buy it this way.


Doctor put our daughter on Ceftin while we wait the results of her Lyme test. We are allergic to the penicillins so options are limited. She can not handle it at all. She has diarrhea running right out of her. Just like water. Covers her bottom and legs, and thats with a diaper. We have been feeding her yogurt, but she hasnt been hungry for much else. Thinking I will be calling the doctor today. Are there other options out there for treating lyme?



How soon after starting the ABX did the diarrhea start? Interesting, drugs.com repeatedly stated "Before taking Ceftin, tell your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs (especially penicillins)"


How old is your daughter? That may further limit options. You mention diapers so not sure the traditional probiotics you read about in this forum will help. There may be liquid based ones for young children though.


Very important to call the doctor if it's that watery.


Good luck. bill

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