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He talked about it some. I'm going from memory here, hearing it first-hand in early May, watching the DVD probably a a week ago, and still hard to remember everything he said. But ... When he was saying years ago, so many had the lyme (borrelia) infection, but were not sick with "lyme disease", this was in Germany several decades ago that he was referring to. I think in the same topic, he also mentioned, years ago, acupuncture was a miracle to some sick people, and homeopathy was a miracle to some sick people, and he says these days, we have to work much much harder for the equivalent healing.


For sure he thinks the high EMF's, particularly the wireless signals, are a big part of what has changed. He says that every year the strength/amount of signals we are exposed to doubles, and while I don't think he said this, it is hard to not listen to him speak on the topic and not think that we are running a terribly dangerous experiment that will end very badly for people at some point, and we will be so hooked on them (as if we're not already) that it will be hard/impossible to stop/fix. Fungus react to these signals by creating substances that are much more toxic for us, and this is a significant part of why they are so bad.


I have a feeling there was one or maybe two other high-level items of what he saw has changed, but do not remember anything else that he suggested as reasons. I think heavy metal poisoning may be increasing from more industrialization, and I suspect that could be a reason, but I don't have data to back that up, and don't remember him suggesting that as a reason. He is so big on treating parasites, but, again, I don't remember him suggesting the size of that problem has changed. Perhaps mold is one of these on his mind there. I do remember him saying that some u.s. president many decades ago tried to pump the idea that we all should be able to own a home ("the american dream"), and the result is homes made of wood, then wrapped with plastic, because it is cheap, but it is an excellent growing medium for mold.


Hope that helps, that's what I remember right now.


Another thing that can explain why lyme didn't cause as much disease back then and it does so much now -- nothing I've ever heard Dr. Klinghardt comment on -- would be the Animal Disease Research Center on Plum Island, off the coast of Long Island, and a very short bird's flight to Lyme, Connecticut. In this place, the U.S. federal government did research with borrelia, infecting various animals with it, and doing who-knows-what. Apparently, they were working on the cold war, trying to figure out a way to kill all the Russian cattle, or working on making sure the Russian's wouldn't do the same to us. It all sounds very conspiracy-theory-ish, especially when you hear that an ex-nazi-big-guy was heading the research, but the information that this happened appears to be undisputed. I heard recently they were considering moving that center, now closed, to the west somewhere (to get the bad stuff away from population?). Anyway, very possible they did create more virulent strains of lyme during this research, whether on purpose or by accident.


All this could explain why lyme is more serious/difficult these days, but does not really explain why homeopathy/acupuncture aren't miraculous anymore, unless you think that all those failures are such due to lyme infection.

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