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Just thought I would post this seperatley, in case some people don't read through the biochat notes. This was a question I asked last night.


Q: My 8 yr. old son with tic syndrome had a blood

serum zinc level of 76. I started supplementing with

about 35 mg of zinc every other night. I had read

where white spots or lines on the fingernails could be

a sign of zinc deficiency. Since I started to

supplement the white spots on his nails have gotten so

much worse. My husband thought he actually had white

paint on his nails. Do you think there is a

connection? Do you see many kids with tics? Thanks!



A: I have white spots on my nails too. I take 120 mg

of zinc a day, that usually clears it up. It’s either

calcium or zinc deficiency. Some folks believe it’s

related to celiac and malabsorption, but that’s out of

the question. With a level of 76, he has a ways to go.

He might need twice that dose (35 x 2) daily.

Tics, yes I see quite a few kids with tics. High dose

krill (4-8 5 mg capsules a day) seems to clear it. I

like krill, nice delivery of essential fatty acids.

Also B1, magnesium help with tics.


About the part where Krill is concerned, I believe he said something about deferring to someone, it sounded to me like a partner or associate of some kind. He said she had had sucess with 5 out of 5 kids, clearing tics with Krill. That sounds pretty promising for the omega's.


Since these white spots were discussed here, it really caught my attention when I was trying to get a sliver out of youngest son's finger. Couldn't believe how bad these spots/lines had gotten.

Bonnie's vitamins have a 1 to1 ratio of calcium and mag. taurate. Maybe calcium is low, I already know zinc is low.


Per a biochat Dr. (Dr. Usman, I think) when you supplement and a pathway is activated, you may need more, in other words the level of supplement may actually fall in testing, i wonder if this is what's happening, or if it is calcium? Just wondering if anyone had noticed anything similiar.


Another TS poster asked what a normal level of zinc is. Dr. Green said 100 or 120. Two ts/tic questions last nite! If anyone has a question, that your dying to get an opinion on, feel free to ask me to post it for you. I think there is another biochat tonight.



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