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Hello to all,


I know it's been several months since I posted here. We decided to abandon antibiotics

back in Feb/Mar. That's when we started the GAPS diet. I saw overnight results (especially

with handwriting). Things had been getting better little by little. It was hard to tell is

the IVIG sessions we had were what made the difference. They decreased the OCD, but the tics increased.

Enter homeopathy....


I started my DD9 (pitands) with a remedy called Bright Spark (native remedies) and saw some differences! It was

then that I actually decided to go through a professional homeopath (using the services of Joette Calabrese). We do it

over skype...pricey, but so far I have seen some great results. After a year of having intense struggles with going to Mass,

we've actually been successful the past two Sundays (she knelt when she was supposed to, tried to follow along with the liturgy, and barely noticable tics compared to what we used to have). When I told her we were going, she actually said, "Don't worry Mom, you can count on me." This meant I could actually deal with my 1 and 3 year olds instead of worrying about her behavior. So much more peaceful. Way less ragey. Her tics are way down. Mental clarity is way up. Once again, we've been off antibiotics for months. We used to be on motrin everyday to survive. Her only supplements at this time are her homoepathic remedies, homeopathic cell salts, GutPro probiotic, and Fermented Cod Liver Oil. We are still doing GAPS strictly, but it is a surprisingly full diet once you get the hang of it. I made an awesome GAPS-friendly German Chocolate Cake the other day with coconut flour.


I am sharing this for those who may want to try something different and more natural. I know many are going to ask what her remedy was...the chronic constitutional remedy prescribed was Hyoscyamus (read about it...would fit a great many PANDAS patients!). She is also using Streptococcium and Tuberculinum and miasmic remedies...along with Bioplasma cell salts. May I stress that it is imperative in cases like PITANDS/PANDAS you work with a trained homeopath...don't try to go it alone.


I hope this helps someone out there.... I know we're still early in the game, but I will post updates here and there as things continue to improve. All I know is that althought there are still some symptoms for sure, life is a lot easier around here, and I don't have to worry about what those antibiotics would do to her system anymore. (We were on Augmentin 1000mg twice a day, and motrin 200mg twice a day).


This relief is coming just in time for baby #6 who is scheduled to arrive in 8 weeks. :-)


Thanks be to God (and St. Therese for her prayers)....




I'm happy to hear you are seeing improvements! The GAPS diet is new to me and I look forward to reading about it more. Also, I see you use the GutPro probiotic..can I ask what you think of it?


So far so good with the GutPro. My other children are taking BioKult.

I avoided it for my PITANDS daughter because of the strep thermophilus...

However, she seems to be tolerating my homemade yogurt OK, so we may

switch to BioKult soon. For now, though, the GutPro seems to be fine.

I (and my other 4 children) am also doing the GAPS diet and it's been good for this pregnancy.

Also just had a consultation with the homeopath for myself and am looking

forward to some positive changes with our health in the near future.


God Bless...


  • 4 months later...

You could always try Joette Calabrese. We speak to her using Skype. She's located in upstate New York.


God bless!


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