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Just wondering if anyone else homeschools. I home educate him.

The schools in my area aren't the best for children "outside the box".

I would love to know if any of you have experience in this area.

I have homwschooled for 3 years now.

His education can be adapted as he changes, and with his abilities.




Hello, I don't home school yet but am thinking of doing it this year. The local school has developed a really neat program here. You still register with the school and get a teacher who your child meets with once a week. At this meeting they are given materials and a general lesson plan. The rest of the week you work with your child at home. It sounds rather wonderful to me as I'm a little nervous starting. There is also a wonderful network of home schoolers who have created many extra-curricular things to do as a group on a come and go basis (you can do as much or as little as you want). Sounds fun!



Hi Giselle. So glad to hear from someone who knows about homeschooling, even a little.

That program does sound great, escpecially if you are just starting.

I have homwschooled 3 years, this is the start of year 4.

It was getting hard, because of my son's bahavior, and we know something was going on. We had always seen tics, but let him just be himself. The emotional part got worse, so we went to a Neurologist. Last year was our year of diagnosing his main issues.

It was tough to hear, in some ways, that he had a "dissorder".

So far this year, things are WAY better. I am providing more structure than before.

That is hard for me, and hard to convince him i mean it.

But, if you reward them daily for good behavior, it helps so much.

The group you spoke sounds great. That is one of THE MOST important things you need.

People who know and accept you and your child.

God bless you as you take on this added "hat" to wear.

You can do it.



Thank you Kim! I'm still up in the air about homeschooling. Hoyt's doing so well right now that I think he'll go back to his regular school but am going to pull him out if things don't work out. I'm most concerned about what the extra allergens do to him. He goes to private school and it's quite old and mold is an issue there. Also the flicker from the lights trigger him - but only when he's maxed out which right now he isn't - maybe he won't be :) . The blessing of the school is also it's curse - they are very small which is really good but being very small the lady responsible for giving him his supplements sometimes is pulling double duty somewhere else so he sometimes gets them very late - not good. I suppose I could show up at lunch time every day and make sure he gets them myself (that's my plan as of now). He is that sensitive that not getting some of them every four hours makes a difference - namely his P5P, L-carnitine and glutathione. One thing that is a plus for homeschooling is that my husband works in the film industry and if we homeschool we could go with him on locations! FUN!



Hi bgirl - about your son's behaviour - what did the neurologist say? How did the emotional part manifest? My son has OCD along with his Tourettes (comes by this very honestly as his Uncle and Grandmother both have full blown OCD)- we had his neurotransmitters tested and they were pretty askew. We started supplementing with what his environmental doc recommended and it has been almost a month now and his OCD is sooo much better - so are his tics. I have been very careful about getting too optimistic as it could be a waning phase but I am starting to think not as he gets a little worse just before he is due for the next course of supplements. 15 minutes - half hour after he gets them he's back to doing really well. I had suspected many of his tics were OCD type tics because he had to do them until he got them "just right" and this has been confirmed, he still tics but not near as much and he seems so much less anxious. Only time will tell. As of now we are going to send him back to his school - it is a very loving environment but am still going to keep homeschooling as an option (see my earlier post to Kim).


Good luck,




He just agrred that something needed to happen, and that is when we put him on meds.

He is not on them now. They seemed to help some, for a while, but then he just became grumpy all the time. I am starting down the natural path.

His outbursts were rough.He just can't control himself once he is to that point. I learned that holding him helped calm him down.

We are seeing a therapist now, who is teaching us skills to conrtol behavior, namely anger.

We are teaching him how to recognize the feelings ahead of time, and what to do to stop them.

Anyway, it is so nice to hear all these parents, like you, who are doing all they can to help thier children.

As long as you are envolved and learning, whether homeschooling or not, you are doing well.



Hi bgirl - just my two cents but in your foray into more natural ways see if yeast is a problem for him (internal yeast - affectionately known to me as gut bugs) as they can trigger lots of emotional ups and downs. Does he crave sugars and carbs? Also allergy can also cause lots of problems too. My girlfriend's son (who doesn't have tourettes) had huge rages and was easily frustrated has a horrible allergy to gluten and pretty bad gut bugs. He is taking Nystatin for the gut bugs and she is now trying to get a handle on the gluten issue but is having more success than failure and it sure shows in her son. He is doing soooo much better. You sound like such a concerned Mom - lucky son!

Giselle :)


Giselle, thanks. Boy is that encouraging.

Actually, I used to make bread from fresh ground wheat, the whole grain. That

is SO much better than anything in the market. It helps with everything.

Keeps your digestion going :) There are gluten free ways to bake, I just don't know them yet. But I have friends who know a lot about bread making.

It even helped keeping my blood sugar normal. (low blood sugar)

That was one of the changes I was working on. It is time consuming.

But what part of having children isn't.

I will look into the things you told me.

We actually have an ENT who is also an Alergist(?)

Thanks again. Keep up the great parenting.


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