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Okay, my son had a urology appt today because of possible blockage in his little wee wee. According to urologist AND ped there was probably no infection as the tests for UTI at both places were both neg for that. He also had blood in the urine last Friday. He has to have a surgery to widen the little hole where the pee comes out as it is too small and there is pressure in there (from what I could understand) plus a kidney u/s. So, if there is no infection why does he have protein in the urine? I have protein in my urine and once it was so bad that they looked at my kidneys to no avail. of course. Is this possibly PANDAS related?


Okay, my son had a urology appt today because of possible blockage in his little wee wee. According to urologist AND ped there was probably no infection as the tests for UTI at both places were both neg for that. He also had blood in the urine last Friday. He has to have a surgery to widen the little hole where the pee comes out as it is too small and there is pressure in there (from what I could understand) plus a kidney u/s. So, if there is no infection why does he have protein in the urine? I have protein in my urine and once it was so bad that they looked at my kidneys to no avail. of course. Is this possibly PANDAS related?




There is a condition that can cause protein in the urine that may have connection to PANDAS?? It is called IgA Nephropathy. It is difficult to state if this is your son's situation. I think you will likely have to wait to see the outcome of surgery to see if the protein improves or goes away. There is also a condition called Benign Familial Hematuria- this could account for protein in your urine that never turned into anything and the blood in your son's urine?? My experience is is that if any of these conditions are present or suspected then you will be referred to NEPHROLOGIST for your son following surgery (not urology) and they would be able to do 24 hour urine specimens and whatnot to see if these conditions are present or worrisome for your child. Sending my best for surgery.


Okay, my son had a urology appt today because of possible blockage in his little wee wee. According to urologist AND ped there was probably no infection as the tests for UTI at both places were both neg for that. He also had blood in the urine last Friday. He has to have a surgery to widen the little hole where the pee comes out as it is too small and there is pressure in there (from what I could understand) plus a kidney u/s. So, if there is no infection why does he have protein in the urine? I have protein in my urine and once it was so bad that they looked at my kidneys to no avail. of course. Is this possibly PANDAS related?




There is a condition that can cause protein in the urine that may have connection to PANDAS?? It is called IgA Nephropathy. It is difficult to state if this is your son's situation. I think you will likely have to wait to see the outcome of surgery to see if the protein improves or goes away. There is also a condition called Benign Familial Hematuria- this could account for protein in your urine that never turned into anything and the blood in your son's urine?? My experience is is that if any of these conditions are present or suspected then you will be referred to NEPHROLOGIST for your son following surgery (not urology) and they would be able to do 24 hour urine specimens and whatnot to see if these conditions are present or worrisome for your child. Sending my best for surgery.



Did they do both the in- office urinalysis and also have you do the first morning catch before he's been upright and walking around? My six year old had protein in his urine this year (we still haven't fully resolved his issues in this regard).

We had to do the first morning catch before he'd gotten up and moving to see where his level was because there's a pretty benign proteinuria condition in kids where they have some protein in their urine when they're upright/active. Our son's dropped to just a plus one on the early am check. Some kids apparently have nothing in the first am and then will test with protein again later in the day. My son ended up surprising us and having a UTI. He'd never complained of discomfort and his in-office test looked clear, but they send them off to the lab for better testing and it came back showing a UTI. He had the abx for that and I changed some dietary things that I think had been bothering him in other ways-- and possibly contributing to the accidents-- and he got better for a while. Since he seemed good, we never retested the urine last time (also knew his labs were coming up for his PANDAS eval and his doc here always includes a urinalysis when doing a complete workup). But, then he recently started having accidents again. So back to the doc-- small amount of protein there this time, culture looked clear in office came back pos for UTI on lab culture, another round of abx. He just had a follow up urinalysis yesterday so now we're waiting to hear on that. If this one is positive for protein, we'll be doing the ultrasounds and seeing specialists.


Anyway, sounds like your little guy also has stuff going on there beyond just the protein, but wanted to mention that when we first got the positive protein results for our son our doc assured us that while it needs to be evaluated so that anything that could be there is caught and addressed, there are also benign issues that could cause a positive protein result. We were planning to have the ultrasound after his first morning catch still showed a plus one but when the culture came back with bacteria they cancelled that and decided to treat and recheck later, because she said the infection could have caused the result. I think I saw that your child may have had a UTI, too? My science obsessed boy was so disappointed when we told him no ultrasound--he'd been so excited about seeing his kidneys, and was hoping he could convince them to show him another organ or two while they were at it :)


I'm going to look into that condition mentioned above, too, and we're also sort of anxiously awaiting the results of the labs he had yesterday to see what turns up. Does your son have eneuresis? My guy has been having frequent accidents- sort of like an urge incontinence where he leaks on his way to the bathroom- but enough that he has to change pants. And he's had some overnight. But, our PANDAS dd has had the same in exacerbation without the UTI.


If I learn anything new from our docs about this issue, I'll pass the info along. Hope all goes well for your son- keep us posted!




911RN--Thanks for the info! I hope it is nothing serious and is just a benign thing. The doc was very short with us ysesterday and not very friendly, so I didn't ask too many quetions about where we would be going next, but I will definitely update you all on the situation.


TH--So sorry to hear your son has issues too! His urine got collected in the afternoon (about 2 or so), so I am hoping there isnothing to it. My son so far as we know hasn't had a UTI. Both the peds test and the urologist ones came back negative, but they didn't culture them. He is on abx for prophylaxis though for about a week. I am sooo confused with all this. I hope you have good news today on his UA! Lemme know.

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