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DS has been scheduled in with an ENT doc on Thursday. LLMD thought it would be beneficial since he has had repeated strep and has a deviated septum (looks normal from outside, but you can definitely see it on the inside). Also, he still has his tonsils and adenoids.


LLMD told me that half of the Lyme patients usually have strep or staph or MRSA in their sinus cavities. DS is always trying to clear his nose, but nothing comes out. One ENT told me that they did not operate on deviated septums until they were 18 and had finished growing. Has anyone out there had their child's septum operated on???


I am looking forward to getting some good answers, as this doc is experienced with Lyme patients, is the chairman of his department at the medical school, and frequently works with our LLMD on unusual cases.


Questions to ask:


1. Should we correct deviated septum now?

2. Should we remove tonsils and adenoids?

3. Son has dark drainage from ears (medium brown in color) and tinnitus since starting treatment. What does that mean?

4. Almost every antibiotic change starts a veritable flood of sinus drainage. What's up with that?


Any other questions you would ask the doc?????? :blink: I want to get the most bang for our buck as this is a three hour drive each way!!!!


Thanks again!


Can't help with deviated septum questions. My dd is scheduled to have a T&A on June 28th due to elevated strep titers for two years that have never gone below 500. I asked our ENT to please biopsy the tissue for strep, Lyme & anything else. I guess it is not automatically biopsied the way other tissue removal is.


I think we have the same LLMD....


Ds13 just had T&A. His ND recommended it even though he had never had strep throat, just sore throats. After he was ill for 1 yr. I decided it was time to do it if an ENT recommended it. His ND also said that his healing would be extended and may not happen if the T&A was not done.


The deep nasal culture (for MaRCONS) was done while he was asleep but can be done while awake. Have heard it is very unpleasant though. ND was surprised to get a positive so quickly but thought it may be because it was very deep because he was asleep. His test came back positive for several things including strep..., staph... not sure what all they were. He is now on BEG spray (Hopkinson drug) for the MaRCONS and has healed from the T&A. It was difficult going through the healing for him because it took 2 1/2 weeks and he was in quite a bit of pain and that was on top of flu-like symptoms for a long time. His ND said he will be on the BEG spray for 3 months. He is holding steady again and has not lost any ground in his healing. ND said he may have some flare-ups after the T&A (PANDAS like) but after the 2 1/2 weeks of healing, which is normal, he was doing well.


The lab work on the tonsils was minimal and it said they were enlarged and that was it. It looked like they measured them and looked at them and that was it. His ND may have received a more in-depth report since then but have not heard. The ENT office said they pretty much all come back saying the same thing.


Hope this helps some.

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