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Has anyone found any supplement or medication that helps with the feeling of being overwhelmed with every little task? I am constantly stressed out and anxious because I can't make phone calls too well, make appointments, start a job like cleaning a room in the house, sorting through stuff in the house, etc. It's particularly bad right now and it's really bringing me down!


I don't know if it's a symptom or a herx. I have not specifically tried the sauna or epsom salts for that. Maybe it would help. Maybe I need a heating pad on my brain.


I am super low and feel like we will never get better. Maybe because it's coming up to the year anniversary of when I got so sick.




Oh Susan, I am so sorry you are feeling this way!! I am sending you a big hug!!! This was how I was feeling a few months ago. The first thing I had to do was lower my expectations of what I could accomplish in a day, otherwise it would eat at me. I could barely work or take care of myself, let alone my daughter. I had to cancel all appointments, except for the real necessities. Thankfully I have someone who comes in to clean every other week and thankfully I don't have to drive my daughter to/from school. Epsom salts baths helped a LOT and so did some of the many supplements I was taking, like B12, adrenal companion, L-Carnitine, etc. And after a month, the Tindamax really made a difference. Take it slow and easy with the sauna and get lots of rest. I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but try to ease up on your expectations. If you need to talk or a shoulder to cry on I'm around all day tomorrow. Just shoot me an email.



Posted (edited)

I'm sorry you feel down. Remember its temporary and a disease process. You will come out of it.It is most probably a herx. A change in my abx to Clindamycin sent me in a doom and gloom phase for a week followed by bipolar issues for another week and then settled out. Homeopathic support helped a lot to keep my mind clear, focused on the big picture.

Bach Flower remedies

Agrimony is for you if you tend to keep those feelings bottled up and simmer internally

Aspen is for you if you are openly stressed, cranky, fearful of the future

Rescue Remedy is a good overall relaxer


Choose one, either Aspen or Agrimony. Rescue Remedy can be combined with either one.

You can google where to buy from. I get mine from Washington Homeopathic Products website if my local WholeFoods is out.

Dosage on the bottle.

I use them for DS and myself.

Call anytime if you need to talk


Edited by sptcmom

Thnaks both of you for your suggestions. I am feeling better this morning, but I always feel better in the morning than I do in the evenings.


Jodie, I took flower rememedies when my son died and I think they really helped so I will try them again.


Nancy, our schedule just went up a notch with swim practice so I know this is one thing that is making things worse. I have decided we have gotten all we can out of dd8's chiro/neuro so stopping that appt will be a great help too since it takes us 30 min to drive there it's a lengthy visit.




Hey Susan - Glad to hear you are feeling better today! I think you have a tendancy to overschedule yourself and you need to give yourself a break! Get the paperplates & plastic forks out for dinner. Let the laundry pile up and the dust collect. Drink a glass of wine tonight!! LOL Okay, I know that is only temporary relief & actually has the opposite effect the next day but what the hay......


Can the girls carpool with someone else one day a week to swim practice so you can have a few extra minutes to yourself??


Hey Susan - Glad to hear you are feeling better today! I think you have a tendancy to overschedule yourself and you need to give yourself a break! Get the paperplates & plastic forks out for dinner. Let the laundry pile up and the dust collect. Drink a glass of wine tonight!! LOL Okay, I know that is only temporary relief & actually has the opposite effect the next day but what the hay......


Can the girls carpool with someone else one day a week to swim practice so you can have a few extra minutes to yourself??


LOL, I just bought paperplates and cups to get through swim practice. I think I will get forks and spoons too!

Now you have me wanting a glass of wine!

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