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After five plus months of Doxy, we are starting Rifampin. Due to insurance issues, we stopped going to Dr. number 2 and went back to Dr. number 1 (both are LLMD). #1 immediately took DS off all antibiotics, gave him a four day antibiotic holiday and is starting him on Rifampin for Bartonella. Rifampin is something I had begged #2 to prescribe for DS because of his rash and behaviors. The greatest part is that I did not bring up switching the medicine, #1 brought it up right away. He said that if one month did not bring about significant improvement then we would add tetracycline into the second month. We should see big changes this month.


The antibiotic holiday was so nice; he felt better, no diarrhea, no timinig all the meds and supplements, etc. I realize now what a strain this disease is not only on the patient but the caregivers.


Here's hoping that his bacterial load was lightened after all those months of Doxy. Hopefully we will sail right through this time on Rifampin. Prayers are always welcome!!!




One thought re: the diarrhea. I talked with a compounding pharmacy about how to best give the meds and they said liquids are absorbed more quickly than pills and thus not as much of them reach the guts, so they are thought to be less difficult on the GI tract. Just a thought...



After five plus months of Doxy, we are starting Rifampin. Due to insurance issues, we stopped going to Dr. number 2 and went back to Dr. number 1 (both are LLMD). #1 immediately took DS off all antibiotics, gave him a four day antibiotic holiday and is starting him on Rifampin for Bartonella. Rifampin is something I had begged #2 to prescribe for DS because of his rash and behaviors. The greatest part is that I did not bring up switching the medicine, #1 brought it up right away. He said that if one month did not bring about significant improvement then we would add tetracycline into the second month. We should see big changes this month.


The antibiotic holiday was so nice; he felt better, no diarrhea, no timinig all the meds and supplements, etc. I realize now what a strain this disease is not only on the patient but the caregivers.


Here's hoping that his bacterial load was lightened after all those months of Doxy. Hopefully we will sail right through this time on Rifampin. Prayers are always welcome!!!



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