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May I suggest that you videotape your dd's episodes to take with you to Dr. L. It helps if she can see what you're talking about. Even if Cunningham tests are negative or on the low side, PANDAS/PITAND is still a clinical dx. Document everything you've said, so that she can also see the correlation between being sick and escalation in symptoms.


It could be viral, it could be allergies (depending on where you live they are worse this year than others), could be a sinus infection. If you're seeing a definite worsening, you could take her in to rule out a sinus infection as those are known to increase symptoms. If she has allergies, do you give allergy meds?If so, which ones and when did you start them? You could cosider giving Ibuoprofen for now and see if that helps with easing the symptoms for now.


Sometimes ibuprofen helps to reduce symptoms as it will reduce inflammation. I wonder if asthma treatment may help? But I would worry about giving steroids when ill.


Maybe you and your husband should get swabbed for strep, just in case. If she's never had a positive culture, and your regular doctor who knows the deal is out, this is the best way to rule out strep. I say this because my husband caught strep in February. He went for 3 1/2 days before getting it checked and he was so infected, the dr put him on IV abx and steroids. My rapid was neg, but I had the same symptoms, just not as severe, so they put me on abx anyway. Our ds10, who was doing much better at that time, had one day of fatigue on the first day my dh and I felt sick. Then he was back to school. About 5 days in, he started having a PANDAS flare that was much more dramatic than I'd seen with recent viruses.

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