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Last week I started doxy with one pill a day and I am to work up to 4 pills a day. First few days on 1 pill, I had wicked smelling diarrhea (sorry) and was sick to my stomach, flu like symptoms, etc. I increased my probiotics and ate a lot of yogurt and things calmed down after a couple of days.


This week, added one pill and same thing is happening. I can't imagine taking 4 pills.


I'm going to call LLMD tomorrow but I'm wondering, the diarrhea, can that be herxing or would that be the candida/yeast issue from killing all the good stuff in my gut?


Can I just say I hate Candida? It complicates everything so much. I guess I really hate antibiotics and mostly I hate lyme. :angry::(




) and was sick to my stomach,

I'm going to call LLMD tomorrow




susan -- i'm sorry you are feeling so badly. i can't really speak to the why's of the abx. . . just wanted to mention that i was on doxy a few years ago and i felt horrible. it was after ds was dxd pandas, before dxd lyme and before i knew much about TBI. i found a bloated tic on me after gardening. my dr put me on 2 wks doxy. they tested the tic and said was neg -- but i don't even know what for -- just borrelia - ?


anyway -- after the first few days or week, i felt horrible. after taking it, i'd feel sick to my stomach and sometimes dizzy. i also got sunburned a few times even tho i thought i was being careful.


i'm not sure, but i think i've read that some people have changed from doxy. i think lymemom may have some suggestions on how to best take it.


Thanks smarty, I do feel dizzy too... I really wanted something stronger than the amoxicilin so I hope I can adjust. But if not, I'll have to do something different.


Also, I noticed a few days ago something is going on with my knees. I can hear and feel them crunching and creeking around under the knee cap. It doesn't hurt but it's just not right. It gives me the hebegeebies it's so creepy.




I say take it slow... As long as the diarrhea has stopped, I would think more likely herx and you will need to work through it.


I've also had a rough three weeks since starting Babesia treatment with similar symptoms... and I'm finally trending a little better. I also tend to crash again around 3:00 p.m. everyday and had dizzy, nausea spells. Good days I do NOT need a nap... bad days I require two hour nap. Our Dr. feels the regular crashing is adrenal dysfunction. I am taking a two supplements to help. ATP Fuel and Adrenal essence.


It sure can be candida from the killing. When I first started treatment, I needed something like 100-150 billion units of probiotics every 3-4 hours to keep things manageable. I even got up in the middle of the night to do that, as I wasn't sleeping well anyway and it helped. It has calmed down in terms of probiotic needs just very gradually. It is a year later, there was a several month treatment break in there, and I am probably taking something like 40-50 billion a day now, with even more antibiotics than initially.


Thanks to all. I upped my probiotics today and the frequency too. I took a epsom salt bath and that seeemed to help. I made it through the day. Tomorrow will be day 3 of the increased dose.

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