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I know we are all just moms here, but figured I'd throw this out there. DD7 as you know is on Zithromax already...very low dose (100 mg), and obviously not doing anything to prevent infection. She's had a bad cold for a week or so, and now it's turned into a cough. Normally, wouldn't bat an eye at this. BUT......things are different now :wacko: So the past 2 nights the coughing has been bad, and today she's running a little temperature again (100). Again, nothing big. But I've always been told that if a kid is sick...starts with a fever, fever goes away, but then comes back ... maybe secondary infection. So I am guessing this is turning into either a sinus infection, or even walking pneumonia. She had the latter a year ago, very similar situation. Sick, fever was better but congestion and cough stayed, then new fever.


So, given the situation, I am paralyzed as to even going to the ped. They are clueless about the whole pandas thing, and I dread even explaining the zithromax, etc...and I dread even more trying to TRUST what they would do here. PUll the zithro. and add a new abx? Increase Zith. dose? Keep low zith and add a new one? Also, is the "test" for myco p just he igg and igm? Not sure that's what this is, but just in case....




I know we are all just moms here, but figured I'd throw this out there. DD7 as you know is on Zithromax already...very low dose (100 mg), and obviously not doing anything to prevent infection. She's had a bad cold for a week or so, and now it's turned into a cough. Normally, wouldn't bat an eye at this. BUT......things are different now :wacko: So the past 2 nights the coughing has been bad, and today she's running a little temperature again (100). Again, nothing big. But I've always been told that if a kid is sick...starts with a fever, fever goes away, but then comes back ... maybe secondary infection. So I am guessing this is turning into either a sinus infection, or even walking pneumonia. She had the latter a year ago, very similar situation. Sick, fever was better but congestion and cough stayed, then new fever.


So, given the situation, I am paralyzed as to even going to the ped. They are clueless about the whole pandas thing, and I dread even explaining the zithromax, etc...and I dread even more trying to TRUST what they would do here. PUll the zithro. and add a new abx? Increase Zith. dose? Keep low zith and add a new one? Also, is the "test" for myco p just he igg and igm? Not sure that's what this is, but just in case....




Testing for myco:




Although, I am pretty sure that most doctors just listen to the lungs, and if they hear congestion in the lower part, then they would prescribe. If they just hear upper congestion, most likely they are going to tell you it's viral or not severe enough to warrant an antibiotic. If this turns out to be the case, get a very clear explanation as to how long they expect the cough to last, and when you should bring her back if it doesn't clear.


It is not obvious that the 100mg isn't preventing strep. I'm pretty sure that's why your PANDAS doc prescribed it. At least that is why it was prescribed at that dose for my daughter. If your daughter does have myco p, then it is a possibility that the 100mg daily is not enough to prevent that, although, I don't really know...myco p is a slow growing bacteria...so that dose could prevent it -- I don't know, but certainly your pediatrician will have a better clue than any of us on this board who are not doctors. However, if this is viral, then the zithromax isn't going to be effective at all.


My daughter currently takes 150mg of Omnicef to prevent strep. She has been coughing a lot the last few days--all of us have colds. I've been giving her Mucinex, Airborne and running the humidifier at night.


Take your daughter to the pediatrican's and treat it as a regular sick visit. You just need to tell the pediatricians that you suspect PANDAS, she is being treated by a neurologist, and given a prophylaxis to prevent strep. They will understand at least that much. Your local pediatrician should also have a good idea of what antibiotics are effective for the area in regards to strep and mycoplasma.


If they prescribe another antibiotic, ask them if you should stop the zith temporarily or keep giving it.


If they are critical of the whole PANDAS thing, just shut the conversation down, by insisting your daughter be evaluated now for her current illness--tell them that is why you see a specialist for PANDAS. Just try your best to not get into that conversation with them.


You are not doing anything wrong or sneaky by giving your daughter an antibiotic that was legally prescribed by another doctor. What if you had a teenager who was put on an antibiotic for their acne by a dermatologist? You would just matter-of-factly mention it as a current medication during the intake interview for that appointment.


I agree with everything Karen said. You have nothing to hide. I wanted to add that I'd get her in to be checked sooner than later. The coughing plus fever plus previous history of pneumonia says to me that you should not wait to see the doctor. Get her in asap, just to be safe. My ds10 has had pneumonia 6 times and the 2nd time (age 5 1/2) he relapsed after a full course of abx and had to be hospitalized for a week. Once they've had it, they are more susceptible, so please don't wait. I'm sure you'll hold your own with the ped, and maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised by their response.


My kids have gotten ear infections while on daily Zithromax. Our dr. always adds another antibiotic to treat the ear infection, but we do not discontinue the zithromax.


Recently one of my children got strep while on Augmentin and another child got strep while on daily zithromax. We kept giving the daily antibiotics, b ut added a ten day course of another antibiotic (Omnicef for the one taking zithromax and zithromax for the one taking Augmentin).


I would continue with the daily zithromax if they added another antibiotic for a lung infection.



Well, busy day teaching our co-op, and ended up NOT taking dd to doc. Temp. was only around 99.5 - 100, and she's up and around, generally active. Will give till tomorrow. Unfortunately, it's my next dd's birthday tomorrow, so hoping we don't spend a chunk of it at the ped. I just switched from a practice where we NEVER waited more than 2 minutes to be seen (but the doc wouldn't give pandas the time of day), to a practice we were at years ago, where the ped. isn't totally educated about it, but has heard of it at least, and said he'd follow guidance of our pandas docs orders...anyhow, our first apt. I waited for 1 hour and 20 minutes to be seen. That was one reason we left. And when I was checking in, another mom came up and said she hoped she didn't have to wait an hour like she'd had to her last few apts......

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