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:) We are seeing huge success on reducing tics with three supplements, GSE (grapefruit seed extract), NDF + and spirulina. We have gone from 80% success to now 95%plus improvement. These things are in addition to our usual array of supplement, like cal/mag, omega 3's, b vitamins, extra b6, zinc, digestive enzymes and protein digestive aid.


I have hesitated to try GSE as I had been told that it is soooooo disgusting. We can only get it as a liquid here in Australia, due to the therapudic good dept not allowing it in capsule form, but I have brought empty capsules and am putting the drops in there and my son is taking it just fine. This is a very potent antifungal/antimicrobial. It is different from grapeseed extract which is an antioxidant and is recommended by Bonnie for people with TS.


Not sure which of the three is making the difference, but the NDF is moving metals I am sure, as I am also using it on my 4 year old, and his demenour has improved out of sight. He is much calmer and happier.


We only added the spirulina over the past 5 days or so, so not sure if these improvement would have occured anyway, but the thing that appealed to me about spirulina is that it is natural vitamins not synthetic one, and the aminos are in an easier to digest form apparently.


Anyway, wanted to share our success. Hope it continues.



great to HEAR!! wow..


Don't u think the formula to suggest is 90% similar to everyone hear.


Antifungal(GSE,Threelac,Camdex,Nystatin) - for yeast/bad bacteria


Supplement for mineral deficient ( Mag/cal in 2:1 ratio or some other ration, ZInc/copper)


Supplement on vitamins ( B's)


Heavy Metal (NDF,Rectinal Supostiory,etc..)


Removing toxins, food for yeast, food intolerance (Food avoidance, digestive enzymes, juicing, salad)


Each of these method all involve some risks..my gut feeling..


Doing just one of these methods I think we enhance the kids immensely.


I read somewhere GSE should not be taken if anti histamine are given.


I read somewhere that digestive enzymes should not be used with time-release medication. Also may review magenisum deficiency..and cause tics/hyperness..


I read somewhere that yeast die-off can be uncomfortable and may aggrevate tics.

Alka Seltzer Gold I read might help..


Kids on this site have allergy.

and/or Highly sensitive

and/or had huge antibiodic usage.

and/or vaccines with mercury..



But all in all the apples don't fall far from trees..


hopes are all there..let the summer begin..

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