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Hi all,


We are only about a week into Lyme treatment so Idon't think I truly understand herxing. But should I assume that anything odd is a herx? And do I take that as a good sign? DD5 had an initial bad behavior reaction to the new abx. I was prepared for that and fully able to handle it. But today, she is having wierd stomach issues. She is telling me her stomach is warm and she had to lay down. She is a tough cookie, so whatever this is is stopping her in her tracks. Her forehead is a bit warm but not a true fever.


Also, if this is a herx, that is a good thing, right?




It is a good thing and you'll need to learn to manage symptoms as they crop up from Herxheimers. Live bacteria in the body create endotoxins, when the bacteria dies it creates a exotoxins, toxins = disease and symptoms......


Every symptom your daughter has had plus some new ones could crop up with a herx. Hopefully, it is short lived and resolves quickly. I'm sorry but I do not know a easy fix to treating/recovering from Lyme Disease. The average child takes two years for recovery. If you had the opportunity to watch the recent video posted on LD 'Ed' took three years to recover and was worse for the first year and was institutionalized for psychiatric symptoms during treatment. I am preparing you for the worst and praying for the best.


Hang in there and hopefully in the first six months of treatment you'll gain confidence that this is working by some sign of improvement. It will take time and it can be rocky.




Thanks for the response... I was/am totally prepared for the horrific behavior. That is exactly what I was expecting. Ever since all "this" happened 2.5 years ago, DDs symptoms have all appeared to be behavior based. Or at least that is what we have noticed because they have been the most obvious. I was surprised to see a belly ache because this has never been obvious to us before.


The psyciatric behaviors staying constant-I can handle. If they get more extreme I will need to check myself into the hospital just for respite.


I guess another thought here might be to review at quantity/quality of probiotics you are using.


I imagine it could be just herxing. I have had stomach aches and acid and so on from treatment, but then, for me, that was just reoccurrence/heightening of present symptoms. Common stuff is headaches, fatigue, anything detox related (oily skin / pimples), and any symptom already present. Beyond that, while possibly a herx, perhaps worth spending a little more time thinking about other explanations.

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