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We are still waiting to dive fully into our Lyme treatment LLMD wants us to do a couple of things to prepare Aidan first (that is for another post(s)!)


But, he is on augmentin 600 mg 2x a day and azith 250 mg 1x day. He was on these more for his previous diagnosis of PANDAS and also a sinus/ear infection he had a couple of weeks ago. The PA (physician,s assistant)that we see at the LLMD thought he was doing well on both so to stay on them but to give them only on weekdays.


So, Aidan has gone 2 weekends without antibiotics (Feb. 19 and 20) and (Feb 26 and 27).


I have noticed in each of the 2 weeks after these weekends that he has had a trend of having a good day Mond,. Tues, and weds but when he gets home from school on Weds his behavior goes south. Thurs. and Fri. are very bad days at school behavior wise and it starts weds night. There is pinching, grabbing people, ripping things off walls, ODD, etc. (He is in a special ed room and these are behaviors that we have had in the past but they wax and wane and they seem especially bad during the end of these 2 weeks.) He seems "off" to me durng these times. I also have noticed physical symptoms of passing gas, red ears. The first Weds night I also noticed a rash in the shower that was the size of a quarter next to his inner elbow that was red and looked like he scraped it. It went away before I could snap a photo.


Has anyone heard of taking weekday only antibiotics? Do you know the reason for it? I think the PA tried to explain - I don't totally grasp.


Do you think the cycle is related to this antibiotic schedule? How would they be connected?


I don't think I know but I wanted to comment that the quarter sized rash that you see in the shower sounds exactly what dd8 has. Her's expanded to the size of a softball circle. It was on her torso near her armpit. I never found out if it was related to the antibiotics, lyme or candida. I figured it had to do with one or the other. It is much less apparent now and seems to be on the way out. It appeard before she started lyme treatment but she was on daily zithromax for PANDAS. After a month on lyme treatment, it seems to be going away but this includes more abx and also candida meds.


I am wondering if the antibiotics could be causing herxing and the break is allowing it to cycle through? I don't know, hopefully someone else will have a better idea or explanation. We now give our abx every day (amoxicillin) or M-W-F (zithromax) or Monthly (Flagyl).




Certainly cycling the abx like that could cause cycling of symptoms.


Someone on here was giving abx on weekends only, I think the reason was more to avoid the difficulty during school.


I am likely just about to start abx only M-F. My doc said it was soon time to do that. But this is after months of every day abx. I believe my doc is credited in one of Dr. Burrascano's writings with innovating the "pulsing" of abx, which involves some time period of a break between abx. The theory is that the bugs start hiding with daily abx, and then you give them some days off, they come out of hiding and you get them. It does make sense to me (no expert, of course) to use more near the end, in the beginning, you have just way too many bugs to worry about that.


The theory with early on not on weekends could more be related to trying to give the gut and liver and rest of body a break from the abx, as they certainly do have their downside as well.

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