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Thanks for bring this to my attention. Looks like I will be dealing with this too.

Can you tell me if your Dr. Understands why you have concernes with this, or is he treating you like you're over the edge?

Sounds to me like the DT/Polio is the best bet too. Did you look into how safe giving the polio again is, or are you taking your Dr.s word for it and going ahead with it? Thanks again!



Guest Guest_efgh



I have done a lot of research on this "DT vaccination, mercury and tics" for quite some time and my doctor is very much in the loop as regards my concerns on tics due to vaccination.

He is quite an open person but still does not totally agree that vaccination increases tics (typical medical approach!). But he values my opinion a lot and hence suggested DT-polio. I am yet to research on the side effects of the additional polio in the DT-polio combination but my doctor assures that the side effects due to the additional polio is practically ZERO but the benefits are higher due to NO Mercury. I intend doing further research on this. It would be good if you can do intensive research on this too and keep me posted so that we can take a combined view on this.


Thanks in advance.




I will see what I can find on the polio part as soon as I can get to it. I will certainly let you know what I find. :)



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