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HOw is it that a child can have germophobia....can't eat anything that has been touched, breathing in her direction, etc....

BUT.....she can cut up a KIWI on the nasty, unwiped kitchen counter and eat it, no problem. Now THAT is NASTY to even me...I would be grossed out eating off my countertop! :lol:


HOw is it that a child can have germophobia....can't eat anything that has been touched, breathing in her direction, etc....

BUT.....she can cut up a KIWI on the nasty, unwiped kitchen counter and eat it, no problem. Now THAT is NASTY to even me...I would be grossed out eating off my countertop! :lol:




That's how you know it's OCD/PANDAS. It makes absolutely no logical sense whatsoever!


At one point in time, my DS would freak out if his leg, knee, whatever brushed the side of the toilet and would insist that he had to shower again (sometimes within 30 seconds of having just exited the shower)! But he would quickly grab the game console remote on the display at Target, or pick up a muddy rock off the ground and tuck it in his pocket, without a single moment of "germy hesitation"! All that has pretty much evaporated these days, thank goodness, but it tries to turn your reality upside-down, doesn't it?! :P


lol... my dd11 has been refusing to bathe, wash her hands or brush her teeth recently, because she "can't get wet!"


Interestingly, when we went to see Dr. B, she hopped right into that pool full of water at the hotel... no problem... and again this past week at another pool! We didn't say one word... at least she's soaking in water ... and with chlorine too! :P


Speaking of turning you reality upside down:

Have you ever left a medical Dr. appt. (Infectious Disease Specialist through medical insurance, say) where they have essentionally told you that you are a crackpot, and you leave, 90% enraged, but there is 10% of you that actually thinks:


%$!#. Maybe I am a crackpot.


Just saying...

This was my afternoon. Like I needed this again.


eljomom - My DS7 was a major germaphobe last year. He wouldn't touch the toilet, could hardly go in the bathroom, wouldn't brush his teeth, wouldn't touch our pets, wouldn't touch his "contaminated" brother, and was constantly talking about germs. Imagine my surprise when his teacher told me how he took off his shoe and started licking the bottom of it to get a reaction from his classmates. ??? :o


S&S - I can totally relate! Despite DS7's high ASOs, CamK 176, anti-dopamine 4000, my blood positive for lyme, DS7 who can no longer attend school and has an alphabet soup of diagnosed psych disorders, and 2 other children who are constantly sick, I still think I must be a crackpot from time to time. That sure would be a simpler answer! Someone told me, "When you hear hoofbeats, look for horses." We've ruled out horses, looked for zebras, and now sometimes it feels like we're searching for unicorns.


S&S--Yes,almost everytime I go to a "mainstream Dr." or the school with concerns about my daughter.But we must be vigilent, so that along the way us "crackpots" are able to open the eyes of at least some of those who can help our children.Just think if each of us only convinces say one doctor or one school personel,what a difference it could make for the children who come after ours!


Thank you- I'm rather new to the game, so as time goes on, perhaps I'll have more 'fight' in me.

I brought this Dr. our CAM-K test printed, and highlighted, (175 score) along with a written time line of strep, of all the OCD, Separation Anxiety, loss of control of body and verbal, a clinical diagnosis from another MD whom I've been working with (not with our insurance) who would be happy to consult, etc, etc.

I know we ALL have our horror story's about PANDAS and mainstream medical.

This was the Infectious Disease Specialist I was referred to today: first thing I asked:

Do you have PANDAS patients, have you ever treated it?


Why was I referred to you?

I don't know.

Then picks apart all the data I had provided.

I have fought against Kaiser Permanente for my last time. I am done. I will continue to pay cash (out of my retirement account, if necessary, and at times it has been) for a Doctor who does not ridicule me, and wants to help my daughter get well.


I am not flaming at anyone here! I guess this is my anger of today coming out.


So far for school, I have only had to say: She has a medical condition that makes her very vulnerable to strep- I need strep notices, please. If I need a 504 later down the road, mama warrior will come out, for sure.



I will break my back for any Mother or Father anywhere that needs help with this-

But the medical establishment?


I am too weary. It flairs my anger to very unhealthy places for me.

I'm just not there.


Yah, pretty funny huh? My son had a germ thing again recently (prior to IVIG) and kept asking if "grandma touched" this or that, did something get washed, are the sheets disinfected, has the bath mat been sterilized, etc. However, would come home from school with FILTHY DIRTY hands and proceed to eat with them!!



Thank God for this forum and this thread. I have to make sure my wife reads this one. The behaviors I've read in this thread easily apply to my son!


This morning, dd and the egg:


I drop a hard boiled egg and it cracks before I peel it, and she says "I'm not eating that one." I told her the inside is fine...it didn't touch anything.


Last night, dd and the egg salad:


I have my 3 girls, my son, 3 of my sons 11 year old friends, my 13 year old's friend, my friend and her 11 year old daughter.....running amuk, boys just got back from wrestling practice, dirt, germs galore.....and I find dd 7 (pandas) in the kitchen eating egg salad (yes, with mayo, slimy, etc...) out of the container with her hands....full on schlopping it right into her mouth with her filthy, grubby grabbers......yet, she won't eat the last bite of her own sandwich, chicken nugget..... :wacko:


Speaking of turning you reality upside down:

Have you ever left a medical Dr. appt. (Infectious Disease Specialist through medical insurance, say) where they have essentionally told you that you are a crackpot, and you leave, 90% enraged, but there is 10% of you that actually thinks:


%$!#. Maybe I am a crackpot.


Just saying...

This was my afternoon. Like I needed this again.

Yes, absolutely! If they had anything useful as an alternative to my crackpot ideas then I'd be willing to completely accept the crackpotism as a "my bad."


Speaking of turning you reality upside down:

Have you ever left a medical Dr. appt. (Infectious Disease Specialist through medical insurance, say) where they have essentionally told you that you are a crackpot, and you leave, 90% enraged, but there is 10% of you that actually thinks:


%$!#. Maybe I am a crackpot.


Just saying...

This was my afternoon. Like I needed this again.

Yes, absolutely! If they had anything useful as an alternative to my crackpot ideas then I'd be willing to completely accept the crackpotism as a "my bad."


Amen, Peggy!!!


S & S... absolutely! Pediatric Neurologist (just one example) who released us from CHKD Christmas morning... "I can see that you two coddle her... " :unsure: Would this be because I remained in the hospital with my 11 year old for her first hospitalization? Hmm...


Today... the child who will let the dog lick her hands all the time... and of course, since she "can't get wet", will proceed to eat after that! :o However, when pup snagged a napkin and started to chew it up, I was still eating dinner, so asked her to please put that in the trash. She looked at me like I had three heads and said, "Ewwwww, Mommy!!!" (typical response for this... can't touch anything that has been on the floor). I told her again to put it in the trash - here, I offered - you can even use this paper towel to pick it up. She walks into the pantry and gets my nitrile gloves (I'm a nurse) - not one, but two - to pick up napkin on floor. :blink:

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