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Once in while, my child will drink some whole milk. She will get a severe headache and then start to vomit. It seems to happen with whole milk only. Do you think this is a migrane? Is it leaky gut, or an allergy? I don't beleive her behavour is due to food, but I believe some foods make things worse. Is there a way to know if this reaction is migranes for sure?


I am wondering if these aren't migranes, ontop of everything else she has going on!!! She gets pain on just one side of her head, the lights really bother her eyes, and she vomits. She never gets headaches other that this.


I just know that some people believe that a migraine is a type of seizure. I didn't mean that the spikes were migraines, only that she's got some abnormal electrical activity that could easily land her in migraine land.


I'm just throwing this out there Wilma. What if you took out all milk products for 10 days or so and see what happens. Not just with the headache but with everything. I know you don't think food affects her, but you never know. It could be worth a try.


Only whole milk, huh? Could it be that other milk is causing a more subtle reaction and it doesn't bother her to the point of complaining? Milk was one thing my son boycotted with PANDAS. Now that he is well, it is stil the one food/drink he rarely has. He likes milk, but never wants it. I just took it as his body's signal that something isn't right for him with milk and I don't push it.


I definitely think milk and other foods make things worse. Actually every thing I use to feed her made things worse. I thought she was allergic to everything, including the air outside. I did do the caveman diet with her and also I had her on just... turkey, lettuce pears and rice for a week i think, and she looked a bit better but still stuck in her own world, impulsive, racing around the house and never sleeping. I had this child on so many diets, supplements etc... and nothing helped. At ten, when she went to school, she totally rebelled. She use to be such a good listener, but got fed up. Can't blame her. There is no way to talk to her, since every time I say something, she tells me to shut up, becuase there are too many thoughts in her head. Scott said, as soon as we get her feeling better, we will be able to reason with her more. I think I am on the right track with Scott. Thank God!

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