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Dd9 received Igenex results today:

IGM band 31 ++

band 41 +

band 83-93 +


IGG band 39 IND

band 41 ++


She had been on 250 zith for a month prior to this test.


The IGG result says negative. Why is band 41 ++ then?

Does the IGM indicate a new infection?

I'd love to blame lyme for the PANDAS stuff of the last 8 months, but is that realistic?


Thanks for any ideas!!!


This is very lyme indicative if lyme symptoms are present, which I would think very likely the case for someone with PANDAS. It says negative because they are just giving the result the CDC wants for "objective" tracking purposes, that overall negative is not meant to be suggestive of an actual diagnosis.


I thought I'd repost definition of specific bands for others to see again when reviewing results. A good LLMD will see your Daughter's results and treat based on specific bands and clinical presentation.


This is what Dr. Ann Corson Pediatric Lyme Specialist says about WB results.


"A positive Western Blot need only show one species-specific band to demonstrate exposure to Bb therefore confriming a clinical diagnosis of Lyme Disease.


These species-specific bands are: 18, 23-25, 31, 34, 39, 83-93"




Western Blot Bands description:


9 cross-reactive for Borrellia

12 specific for Bb

18 unknown

20 cross-reactive for Borrellia

21 unknown

22 specific for Bb, probably really the 23/25 band

23-25 outer surface protein C (OspC), specific for Bb

28 unknown

30 unknown; probably an outer surface protein; common in European and

one California strain

31 outer surface protein A (OspA), specific for Bb

34 outer surface protein B (OspB); specific for Bb

35 specific for Bb

37 specific for Bb

38 cross-reactive for Bb

39 is a major protein of Bb flagellin; specific for Bb

41 flagellin protein of all spirochetes; this is usually the first to appear after a Bb infection and is specific for all Borrellia

45 cross-reactive for all Borellia (sometimes people with Lyme who have

this band positive also have the co-infection Ehrlichiosis)

50 cross-reactive for all Borrellia

55 cross-reactive for all Borrellia

57 cross-reactive for all Borrellia

58 unknown but may be a heat-shock Bb protein

60 cross reactive for all Borrellia

66 cross-reactive for all Borrelia, common in all bacteria

83 specific antigen for the Lyme bacterium, probably a cytoplasmic membrane

93 unknown, probably the same protein in band 83, just migrates differently in some patients


Some of the top LLMD's say that a positive 31 band on the IGM may suggest a long term lyme infection.


We have seen far better and longer term results with lyme treamtent, especially in comparison with traditional "PANDAS" treatment. Again, the journey can be very bumpy (two steps forward and one step back). I was just relieved to find a reason as to why IVIG's along with antibiotics were not bringing us sustained relief.


The key now is finding a really good LLMD who incorporates detox principles and tests appropriately for coinfections.


I think that a lyme diagnosis is scary, but children are known for having complete cures.




Hi worried Mom,

I just read a bunch of your content, sounds like you have had a long, tough road! My heart goes out to you! If you are following the lyme protocol, since our kids had the same test results, I'll be interested to see how your son does...Dd 9 still has lots of angry words for us, and fists clenched, can't touch handles, seat belts, lots and lots of things... but after only 1 week of lyme treatment she is playing again - getting toys out of trunks and closets and hugging them and bringing them to bed, and all the things a 9 year old girl should do - it brings me great joy. I know times will be tough off and on for a long time, but a couple of people told me it will take 18 weeks or 4 months approx to see really good results, 2 years for total... as I said to my husband - "is this 1/18th better? Yes, absolutely!" We can wait it out, bad times and all, as long as we are headed in the right direction. I pray for you that undetected lyme is at the root of your son's problem...and that your troubles now are a result of the new meds bringing out that nasty lyme and chasing it away!

I'll keep watching your results and posting mine!

Stay strong, he is worth it!

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