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Question for Ronna


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Hi Ronna,


As you may have read it seems my son has a strep infection. He came down with a fever on Saturday and complained of a sore throat on Sunday night, he started full dose of antibiotics on Monday. I am now living in fear of a PANDAS outbreak. His tics have not increased and he is in good spirits. I know the outbreak usually occurs after the infection - is that after an untreated strep? Is that fact we caught this early and he is on antibiotics going to prevent an outbreak? Any experience you have to share would be greatly appreciated. We had seen an increase in subtle tics a few days before the fever and he was grumpy but this seems to have gone away.



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Sorry to hear about the recent strep infection. In my experience with Kurt if we start him on antibiotics at the first sign he does not have a full blown onset of PANDAS. It sounds like your son will be ok if you have not seen an explosion of tics. Best of luck. I guess my only advice is that time will tell. With time and experience the ups and downs of this will get easier to deal with. Although Kurt does remarkably well compared to a few years ago we still do have our tough times. It is getting easier because I have learned with time it will wane. Take Care.

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