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On ThanksGiving I met my aunt's boyfriend, & we got on the subject of Lyme when he asked me why I couldn't eat gluten. Well, randomly enough, he had Ehrlichiosis without Lyme a few years ago. He was treated with over eight months of antibiotics by a doctor who used the Marshall Protocol & who is LITERALLY up the street from me. I could walk there if I wanted to. So we call to register a new patient, & they ask what we'd like to see the doctor for, & my Mom says "Lyme". To which the woman on the phone immediately goes "The doctor is accepting no new patients at this time. All patients are being referred to Dr. SomethingSomething in BlahBlah, Texas." & hangs up. That town was a thirteen hour drive. Might as well just go out of state.


What is it gonna take for doctors to stop treating us like we have the Plague? Scratch that, we'd get better & quicker treatment if we had the Plague. I'm knocking on wood as I say that though, hah. :/


Yikes, a crazy scene indeed!


The marshall protocol is a bit of a controversial treatment, I think, probably a bit more risky than a number of other approaches. Not sure that's the best place to start for most, but I understand the frustration of almost finding someone who had promise.


On ThanksGiving I met my aunt's boyfriend, & we got on the subject of Lyme when he asked me why I couldn't eat gluten. Well, randomly enough, he had Ehrlichiosis without Lyme a few years ago. He was treated with over eight months of antibiotics by a doctor who used the Marshall Protocol & who is LITERALLY up the street from me. I could walk there if I wanted to. So we call to register a new patient, & they ask what we'd like to see the doctor for, & my Mom says "Lyme". To which the woman on the phone immediately goes "The doctor is accepting no new patients at this time. All patients are being referred to Dr. SomethingSomething in BlahBlah, Texas." & hangs up. That town was a thirteen hour drive. Might as well just go out of state.


What is it gonna take for doctors to stop treating us like we have the Plague? Scratch that, we'd get better & quicker treatment if we had the Plague. I'm knocking on wood as I say that though, hah. :/


Do you think it's worth calling back and making an appt under another reason so you can talk to the doc and get his thoughts in person? That really does bite!




We're making an appointment with an out of state doctor instead. My Mom finally talked to one of the moms on here (YAY! :D) & decided it was about time. Nothing left for us in Texas. You guys on this forum will be the first to know how that goes!

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