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I feel Bonnie's supplement is a little expensive to me with the shipping fee .


Can I find some local heath food store to buy some seperately ?

I'm in Toronto .


Any suggestion ?




I find all the calcium, magnesium, zinc, Bs, EFAs, etc we need (and very high quality) in the Albany, NY area. Toronto's gotta be 20 times bigger. The only thing we get mail-order is Freeda Vitalets. You might get more bang for your buck by using digestive enzymes; we just began and it looks like we may have to reduce some of the supplements. :D




You can buy all the supplements listed by Frank in most of the health food stores and many can also be found at Shopper's Drug Mart - B complex. Omega's, Cal/MAg/Zinc, - even Cosco has a big vitamin section that would allow you to buy in bulk. In Bloor West there is a great supplements place called Supplements Plus. Not sure where in TO you are. I have not looked into the digestive enzymes so can't comment on that.


Hi Frank,


Which of Houston N's enzymes are you using?


I use Zyne Prime for fats/carbos and my son was using AFP Peptizade for proteins. He recently showed Vit E deficiency, which I read can be associated with poor fat metabolism (I have a Vit E def--which didn't resolve with supplementation) so I recently added Zyne Prime for him also.


He also just showed low in molybdenum, which affects sulfation/salicylates, but he rarely eats fruits these days (due to changes from known sensitivity to apples and bananas) so I didn't supplement. I have heard no-fenol is good at killing yeast (digests their hard outer layer), so I want to try it, but want to wait for vacation in Feb to avoid die-off reactions.


After 3 months of the Peptizade, he still had new vitamin deficiencies, so I still think he has absorption issues, unfortunately. Oddly, we were supplementing all 4 of the things he is showing deficient in! Bummer. Maybe it is the ongoing yeast issue.




Hi Claire,


We don't use Houston's because I haven't seen them locally, but certainly would from what I read.


Locally, we've found Pioneer vegetarian digestive enzymes and Time4Health Advanced Digestive Enzyme. They both seem to be making a real difference in attention, etc.

It's hard to be objective, since we've only been giving them for about 2 weeks and started with very small doses just in case.


Have you seen the Yahoo "EnzymesandAutism" board?



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