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This ND that we just saw is recommending tonsil removal but ds has never been diagnosed with strep. She seems to think that did not matter. So wondering if anyone else had any experience or heard about this.


Any information about this would be helpful. Thank you!


This ND that we just saw is recommending tonsil removal but ds has never been diagnosed with strep. She seems to think that did not matter. So wondering if anyone else had any experience or heard about this.


Any information about this would be helpful. Thank you!

My son had strep in his gut (not his throat) and suspected Lyme and the LLMD we were seeing at the time did recommend a T&A. Supposedly the tonsils can harbor bacteria/become an absess and then no matter how much abxs they give you, they sort of get blocked right there at the tonsils. We did proceed with it and I can't say that it made a dramatic difference, but who knows what it would have been like had we NOT taken them out. The biopsy did reveal deep crypts consistent with recurrent strep (I swear I only knew of 1 strep infection!!!). I think the problem with our kids is that they do not respond to strep the way a healthy person would, so sometimes you don't even know they have it.

I am actually scheduled to have mine out because I am not responding to abxs for strep. Right now my cultures come back negative but the tonsils are swollen and the throat is read. My PCP sent me to the ENT who readily said I should just take them out.

It is surgery, they do have to put you under, and the recovery is not fun. It's not an easy decision.


This ND that we just saw is recommending tonsil removal but ds has never been diagnosed with strep. She seems to think that did not matter. So wondering if anyone else had any experience or heard about this.


Any information about this would be helpful. Thank you!

My son had strep in his gut (not his throat) and suspected Lyme and the LLMD we were seeing at the time did recommend a T&A. Supposedly the tonsils can harbor bacteria/become an absess and then no matter how much abxs they give you, they sort of get blocked right there at the tonsils. We did proceed with it and I can't say that it made a dramatic difference, but who knows what it would have been like had we NOT taken them out. The biopsy did reveal deep crypts consistent with recurrent strep (I swear I only knew of 1 strep infection!!!). I think the problem with our kids is that they do not respond to strep the way a healthy person would, so sometimes you don't even know they have it.

I am actually scheduled to have mine out because I am not responding to abxs for strep. Right now my cultures come back negative but the tonsils are swollen and the throat is read. My PCP sent me to the ENT who readily said I should just take them out.

It is surgery, they do have to put you under, and the recovery is not fun. It's not an easy decision.

How do you find strep in the gut? My ds has had gut issues big time and all his tests have come back neg.


My husband was just was referred to an ENT today for continuing sinus infection and may be in your shoes soon.


My ds pcp is not liking the tonsil removal idea which is why I put it on this forum.


How do you find strep in the gut? My ds has had gut issues big time and all his tests have come back neg.


My husband was just was referred to an ENT today for continuing sinus infection and may be in your shoes soon.


My ds pcp is not liking the tonsil removal idea which is why I put it on this forum.

He had gut issues and so the LLMD ordered a stool culture (I think it was called a "Comprehensive GI pannel") through DiagnosTechs (it's one of those specialty labs that don't take insurance).

My PCP was NOT recommending the tonsillectomy either (for me), but the ENT was all for it (I didn't even bring it up, I swear!)

I find it's one of those things where some people are totally opposed, some are all for it, and it just depends who you talk to.

You could take your son to the ENT and see what he thinks. In any case, you will have to go through the ENT to get them out, so you may as well start there.


My ds(6) had his tonsils out at almost 4.5 & had no dx'd strep up to that point. When I took him to the ENT, his tonsils were really big & we went thru at least 2 rounds of abx to try to shrink them with no luck. The tonsils were very large & infected-looking (record called them "hypertrophic" which basically means they were swollen so much they were touching & infected). His adenoids were removed when he was almost 3. He'd had sleep issues at first, which led to the adenoidectomy & then was sick a lot (not with strep or pharyngitis...mostly sinusitis or allergies). Had 1st strep case in Dec '09...14 months after tonsillectomy. BUT he wasn't sick (except seasonal allergies) during those 14 months. 2nd strep dx'd 9/16 but he's asymptomatic & the PANDAS behaviors showed up a few weeks before that & still showing behaviors. We got dx'd the middle of last monthg & IVIG week after next.


I'm actually fighting a tonsil/throat thing myself. Treated it with abx back at the beginning of Oct & since there was no pain & neg swab I didn't give much more thought to it...have been preoccupied with ds's exacerbation. Went back the other day because I noticed my throat was still inflamed (still no pain) & am on abx & a decongestant with a neg swab for strep (again!) but a culture & titers still being processed. Should know tomorrow or Mon. If I do have strep & I am to blame for the extended exacerbation (as if I need more guilt right now!!!), then I'm going to go to ENT for a T&A consult. Am hoping for neg results obviously, BUT I've got something going on in there. The doctor said she would maybe send me to an infectious diseases doctor which both scared & intrigued me...it's the PANDAS Mom in me. A chance to find out anything/everything that's wrong with me & try to clear it?...I am so there!


our son had his tonsils and adenoids out at 3.5 years of age. His tonsils and adenoids were massive and he had breathing issues to the point where he would stop breathing at night(it was scary) He never had a positive test for strep but we also had a horrible Ped at the time who ignored our concerns about his tonisl always being red and swollen. He suffered from cronic ear infections and we had about enough and requested some xrays. Sure enough the xrays confirmed our conerns and he had them taken out.

His health improved 100% after, and all was going well but within about 6 months after his surgery he started having tics. We didn't realise they were tics until recently, but they have been there and with a lot of reading we have learned that he has had them for a while. His tics change though, so that is why we never even thought he was doing anything to be concerned about. Who knows, he could have had tics before his surgery, but we just can't remember.

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