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Do I have OCD?

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Hello everyone. My friend has a child with OCD and she was just recently telling me about some of the symptoms. I have noticed myself doing a few things, which I am now realizeing could be OCD related. I frequently grind my teeth and do it atleast 20 times before I stop. I find myself counting in my head every night when I sleep at night. I also count a few other things like the cracks on the wall at my work. I happen to love math, so I am not sure if this is just my mind having fun or if it is potentially an OCD problem developing. If this is a minor case of OCD, what is the best way to get rid of it? Does anybody have an opinion on this??? Thanks!

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Guest Nel V

Maple--my understanding is that for a diagnosis of OCD you have to have intrusive thoughts/behaviors that significantly interfer with your ability to function. Like if when driving you have to repeatedly go back to make sure you didn't drive over something and hurt it--and this can make you late for work; or you have to turn a light switch on and off 50 times repeatedly during the day. Yours sound like what they call obsessive tendencies but you manage to carry on.


Some people do behavioral training to change their habits. YOu could also try to find what seems to set it off, even if you never thought of it that way. my sister has counted letters in sentences--very rapidly--since she was a child. she's a successful adult. she recently had chronic fatigue syndrome and realized she is chemically sensitive and allergic. when she did something about that, it helped her tendencies. She also had a spell of panic attacks that went away the same way.


maybe you can figure out why they are better some days than others, if they are. . . wish i had more answers for you. cheers and hope you are ok, Nel.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest glenda

Just mentioning that I see a BIG connection with OCD and the topics on this forum. Food sensitivities, certain chemicals. It's all starting to make sense to me. . . a big thanks!!! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Glenda, Isn't that amazing that you're seeing a connection between OCD and food/environment triggers!! You might want to try keeping a food diary or other triggers diary and look for patterns.

It floors me to think of all the people out there who are suffering from different symptoms, and unbeknownst to them, they might be able to eliminate the symptoms by eliminating certain triggers!


Good luck, and spread the word!!



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