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Do most of the Pandas kids here have tics?

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I'm curious. My daughter does not have tics all though for the first couple weeks she did seem to have one whenever we went somewhere. That was grimancing and turning her head to the left. Was not constant though, and her therapist at the clinic think that her repeating herself constantly could be a possible tic. She said that sometimes there is a fine line between OCD and tics. Most of the tics I've read about are much different. Truthfully, I don't know if she has PANDAS but I need to fully investigate the possiblity as a parent who is so tired of watching her suffer.


We did do the blood strep test and her titers we 264 after 7weeks of the onset of server OCD. I'm waiting for the psychiatrist to sign this other paper to get a secondary insurance to help cover the medical costs of her ocd clinic, perscriptions etc.


Anyway, I just read SAVING SAMMY. Gives me hope for so many people, and made me wonder about the tics.

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I'm curious. My daughter does not have tics all though for the first couple weeks she did seem to have one whenever we went somewhere. That was grimancing and turning her head to the left. Was not constant though, and her therapist at the clinic think that her repeating herself constantly could be a possible tic. She said that sometimes there is a fine line between OCD and tics. Most of the tics I've read about are much different. Truthfully, I don't know if she has PANDAS but I need to fully investigate the possiblity as a parent who is so tired of watching her suffer.


We did do the blood strep test and her titers we 264 after 7weeks of the onset of server OCD. I'm waiting for the psychiatrist to sign this other paper to get a secondary insurance to help cover the medical costs of her ocd clinic, perscriptions etc.


Anyway, I just read SAVING SAMMY. Gives me hope for so many people, and made me wonder about the tics.

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No, my DS does not have tics, either. OCD is his primary manifestation, though he has the separation anxiety, trouble sleeping, etc., as well, during exacerbation.


In the very heat of the toughest exacerbation, we did see some behaviors that sort of "mimiced" tics; for instance, he would sometimes drag one leg behind the other as he walked, or he would repeatedly splay his fingers out on one hand then curl them into a fist, splay them out again, fist again, over and over again. But because these behaviors did not persist and there's no sign of "residual" tics as there is "residual OCD" now that he's much healthier, none of the professionals we've seen has labeled them as tics.


After 1+ year of antibiotics, we haven't seen either behavior (leg or fist) for more than 6 months.

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OCD, ODD and ADHD have been my son's primary presentations. He did not have tics at all until a confirmed strep infection this summer - and now it's only one, a very mild facial grimace that he does (looks like a stroke).


So I would still say that no - we really don't have any tics.

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Thank you for your reponses. Maybe I am on the right track. My daughter has severe separation anxiety. I also forgot she does the piano playing fingers (not all the time anymore), and does like a pupet stance, expecially if we are in public.


I am so glad I found this place. I can honestly say that I learned more in one day here reading than any professional has conveyed to me.

Edited by shadowtails
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When my son first had OCD exacerbation at around age 8, he had severe tic ( blinking eyes, nodding his heads, and vocal humming in that order) but that went away in couple of weeks and never to be seen again for next 8 yrs, hence us missing chance to catch pandas until beginning of this year.

He hums sometimes in a very low tone that only I ( mom) notice and he does it very very rarely. Over all he did not have tic for majority of 8 yrs of his illness and if one were to asked me about tic, let's say 3 yrs ago, I would have said my son did not have it and he definitely, absolutely is a pandas+ pit kid. I strongly advise you not to disregard pandas possibility for your child because of tic being absent.

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