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The other day i had a little sore throat, i looked in there, just looked a little red but it was bothering me.


Last night, DS said oh my tics are bugging me tonight!! and i thought, hmmm, i wonder what else will show up? So this morning, he woke up glassy eyed, sore throat (i couldn't see any white patches but...) not feeling well, that look.


Well, my throat is still bugging me also, and i just looked in the mirror and i have 2 white patches in the back and tonsil area. More than likely, strep...how did that happen??


I know it says in this forum for all family members to get tested, so, this is a wake up call for me. Maybe it occurred to me to also get tested for strep with titers, i never did just to save a few dollars, and now i just have to wonder how big my contribution is to this whole thing. Not like, beating myself up, but, a whole new piece of information to consider.

Posted (edited)

let us know how the throat cultures turn out.


even if you had done titers, it's possible that nothing would have shown up at that point, esp. if this is a new infection.


Or...it could be viral, and you PANDAS son is reacting to that (pitands).


Is your son on prophylactic abs? which one?

Edited by EAMom
Posted (edited)

I say go to the doctor. If he is reluctant to perscribe antibiotics with a negative rapid (doctors are usually more lenient with antibiotcis and adults), ask if he could make a clinical diagnosis or give you antibiotics while waiting for the culture.


It could be viral as was the case with me recently, but it's better to just go and get it checked.

Edited by Vickie

When I had a strep test recently (white patches, swollen tonsils, no pain), it came up negative, but they still gave me abx. Told me at the Urgent Treatment that their swab test was for Strep A ONLY & that I probably had another form of strep or a staph infection. We hit three gold bars while there: I got abx for throat, son got abx for dx'd ear infection (had just been treated for strep--I read somewhere ear infections are common after strep), & dh got abx for sinus infection. That was a good week when all of us were on abx! :)


yes..undertand the paranoia. I am taking oil or oregano at the least sign of a sniffle or throat tickle. Works great, bought at whole foods. Stephanie2 has some threads on it.


I thin u can take OLE long term (even if it for your own peace of mind that you are not contracting and passing something to your DS) also anti-viral.


Thank you very much.


rapid streps were neg, we are both on zithromax. and by tonight my white patches are gone. ds's sore throat was pretty much gone by this afternoon, and those glassy strep eyes, i hate those, they are almost gone.


Usually he is on zithro 500mg, but we had him off just for a week or so, because he has celiac and some gut sensitivity, overall, and i wanted to spend a few days fortifying that GI barrier. but look, in just not even a week, there is the strep rearing its uninvited head.


Thank you for the info on OLE. That's something that can be done every day, right?

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