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Just had my flu shot in an attempt to stay healthy with my son so sick. They told me there were no preservatives or mercury in the shot. It covered 3 flu's and H1N1. So many friends last year that caught H1N1 had continuing respiratory problems.


Good luck with your decision.


They most probably were giving your wrong information, unfortunetly. If you want to know for sure, you could ask for the lot number and package insert that comes with all vaccines. It is extremely disturbing to me that doctor office staff are so often wrong about this. With the vast majority (about 90%) of flu vaccines NOT mercury free, it amazes me that so many will tell their patients wrong information without concern. I most certainly hope you did indeed receive a mercury free shot, but odds are that you did not.





"All FDA-approved multi-dose vials of seasonal and H1N1 vaccine contain thimerisol, a mercury-containing compound used a preservative. A flu shot dispensed from a multi-dose vial contains about 25 micrograms (0.000025 g) of mercury as thimerisol. The manufacturer's product insert will always confirm the presence and quantity of mercury for a specific product"


Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/76622-flu-shot-ingredients/#ixzz13WGrmb2s


Just had my flu shot in an attempt to stay healthy with my son so sick. They told me there were no preservatives or mercury in the shot. It covered 3 flu's and H1N1. So many friends last year that caught H1N1 had continuing respiratory problems.


Good luck with your decision.


We just saw Dr. B yesterday and he advised against it or any other vaccinations/immunizations at this point. (my dd8 showed a low response to a couple she got as a child). He said they may activiate an immune resonse and that we did not want to do that.


Are or have any parents gotten Flu shots? I'm trying to decide if I should get one.

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