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Okay, so, I know that IVIG goes through vigorous screenings for dangerous viruses....but, do they screen and remove "benign" viruses like EBV, etc?



Could a batch of IVIG contain a live "benign" virus?


So, I did ask our Dr. about the use of IVIG and potential exposure to LD. He said it was very unlikely you would get LD from IVIG due to current filtering/screening technics in place. BUT, he did say you are more likely you to pick up a virus from IVIG. I didn't inquire any further on the issue, sorry.




That was my whole point in asking the question. So, it is likely you can pick up a virus from IVIG????!!!!....would that explain the mysterious "turning back of the pages?"

Posted (edited)

For us, I think the 'turning of the pages' we experienced has always been herxing due to Lyme and potential co-infections and their growth cycles and re-exposures to triggers, 'strep' in our situation. With a virus, I imagine fatique and other issues would begin to play a role. I know they are checking me for viruses because of that particular symptom 'fatigue'. They said it is hard to say if its the Lyme or a virus causing the issue.



Edited by SF Mom

I think too many of the kids that get ivig get a "turning of the pages" for it to be a chance virus. Before giving ivig to my dd I consulted with the clinical pharmacist on the critical care unit which I worked. He is VERY knowledgeable, I know this from personally working with him and giving ivig myself to patients. He explained to me that many years ago, there was a much higher chance of getting a virus from ivig. He stated that the methods used today to "purify" the ivig are so stringent that the product is very clean. He said he wouldn't hesitate to give it to his children if necessary. His opinion made me feel a bit better about giving it to my dd. Hope that helps you some




My understanding is that the Gamunex is the most rigorously screened cleaned and tested of all the ivig on the market and this is why Gamunex is the recommended product.


I have spoken with the gamunex rep in our medical office (she sells it to us for a wholesale price of $72/gram which i'm told is THE cheapest....is that the case?) But anyway, i'm going to ask her this question, about the viruses and post her response for you.


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