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We are heading into a meeting next week with the Middle School "team" of teachers (at their request) re: our younger d. She is having an exacerbation affecting school/home life. (Switched to Zithro. in hopes it may help--) The typical Ps school issues (OCD, writing, erasing,etc.)


I would really appreciate any suggestions or "lists" of accommodations that people have requested for 504 plans in schools--I need some concrete lists to consider.


Thank you--


T. Mom


I can't remember if I sent you the OCD and Role of School Personnel article.

If I didn't, try this link.



If that doesn't work, PM me with your email address and I'll send you the article.






I once had a copy of Tamar E Chansky's book "Freeing your child grom OCD" (can't find it now). She had, in the back, a list of accomodations she suggests for pandas. I would think it would be helpful to bring to a meeting, I am sure you can use any back up paperwork. I KNOW one of the items was limited to no homework during an exacerbation. We haven't don a 504, but I will throw out a few thoughts:


excused lateness (due to pandas ocd issues in morning)

excused absences (due to same)- if school work is really a pressure, it might be helpful to take one day off a week, and work on stuff at home (if you think she could work better that way)


limited or no homework

extra time on tests or quizzes (or the possibility to take them afterschool, or in the school psychologist's office, if you think those would be helpful)

NO marking papers for spelling or neatness during exacerbation


I know one mom on here has a "safe place" in the school for her son (nurse's office, vp's office, school psychologist?), where he has a free pass to go, and there is an adult there who really "understands" pandas- and lets him have a little space, if he is having a rough time with something.


Unlimited bathroom pass- not needing to ask teacher to go to bathroom

unlimited locker access (so as not to add stress of remembering everything for class all of the time)


I would think your ultimate goal now, would be to keep your dd calm, happy(as possible) and in school. I would, and make this known to the teachers/school, NOT worry about academic progress at this time. You KNOW she is smart and more than capable. Anything she were to "miss" during exacerbation, she could certainly catch up on when she is well. I would set that expectation with the school- that your and their goal now is to be as positive and encouraging as possible, and when she is "healthy" to offer her the opportunity to catch up on anything importante that she missed.


Good luck.


If they are required to take notes during class, ask if she can get a copy of the teacher's notes instead, bring a tape recorder, or (if she is able) type them into a device (that the school provides- they go by the name of AlphaSmarts and others.)


Ask that homework can be typed or dictated to you and in your handwriting (we do this and it is a LIFESAVER when handwriting issues crop up!)


Ask to allow water bottle in classroom rather than having her use the water fountain (germs! ew!)


Adjustments for PE if she needs them


And here's our list:


- excused tardies for classes (takes DS longer to get organized, pick up things from locker, etc.)


- permitted to keyboard rather than handwrite assignments (small motor challenges during exacerbation)


- permitted to have copies of classroom notes from another student or from the teacher, rather than

being required to take all notes individually (again, small motor issues)


- permitted to take timed tests (such as state standardized tests) untimed


- permitted additional time for standard quizzes/tests as well as homework


- permitted alternative assignments for "arts & crafts" style assignments (color this, draw that,

cut out this, etc.)


- permitted alternative activity to P.E. gym activities


Good luck!

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