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Found 2 results

  1. When your child started on long term antibiotics or IVIG treatment, did your child have more troubles with viruses or infections in the beginning? I'm wondering when a virus or infection that is laying dormant in the body and the body starts responding to the IVIG or long term antibiotics if the body (cells open up) will start releasing these virus or infections. Is this possible? This may sound strange but I am wondering if this is what's happening to my son. He has had past testing that indicated strep antibodies and other viruses were present. His Anti-DNase B was 390and range is 0-170. This test was done in December 2013. If this stuff is being released, Could this be a sign of healing?
  2. I have been researching Mycoplasma and I understand there are different forms of mycoplasma. Can mycoplasma P come from a tick bite? The first time myco P ever showed up in my son was after he had walking pneumonia. The antibodies also showed up high in his last testing. So I am assuming he has this form of Myco P from the pneumonia virus side. I don't want to confuse myself but would really like someone to clear up my confusion. Does this make sense? I was also wondering if all forms of mycoplasma were treated with the same types of medications such as Bixan and Doxycyline. I am beginning to see some improvement with my son on the Bixan. I usually have to give my son 10 grams of salt tablets through out the day along with his medications to help keep his blood pressures up. Since last Thursday, I am only have to give 3 grams of salt. I'll take this improvement and so will the cardiologist. His blood pressures are staying up. Which makes me wonder if these antibodies that showed up in the brain affected his heart. I am still waiting on a test from Dr. Cunningham about the antibodies and heart. I am still giving my son 300 mg of GABA and 250mg of Taurine at night and first thing in the morning. I have been able to cut down my son's extended release clonidine to .2. I should be getting the True Calm in the mail today and will try giving it at night instead of the seperate GABA and Taurine.
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