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Found 3 results

  1. Hi 🙂 I get PMs from so many members who are desperately looking for guidance on this challenging journey to help their children. Apart from being able to share some of my personal experience, and to suggest searching the many helpful threads members have posted here over the years..... I cannot think of a better #1 resource than everything that is on the ACN/Latitudes homepage at https://latitudes.org/ I found the original Latitudes magazine many years ago as a desperate mom seeking answers to help my then 10 yo son, who was diagnosed with genetic Tourette Syndrome with very severe tics & OCD, and was negatively reactive to medications. It was a turning point in our lives, and I will forever be so thankful to Sheila Rogers De Mare for providing a portal to research alternative ways of treating tics & TS, and learning about the many factors involved in why children may tic, that go beyond just "genetic" TS. Fast forward all these years and my 30yo son is doing so well, with a full life and good job, while also using his artistic talents as a singer/songwriter, and enjoying a thriving social circle (outside of the current Covid restrictions). These are things that I confess I despaired he may never achieve during those early years on the TS journey, and I honestly attribute so much of this to the insights and resources I discovered here at Latitudes. He is testimony to the fact that there is healing hope for even very severe TS & tics beyond pharmaceuticals! These days there is so very much more available at ACN/Latitudes to help parents looking for solid foundations to base their quest to help their child(ren) heal naturally. Sheila's carefully researched books on are an invaluable resource https://latitudes.org/store/ while the comprehensive menu of conditions, and therapies,as well as articles by many acknowledged experts in this field, contain a wealth of information. I am writing this post as a testimonial, as I hope that the many visitors seeking guidance on these forums will also explore the main website, and discover answers to help their children heal more naturally. I am still here after all these years to "pay it forward" for the invaluable help I found at ACN/Latitudes. My prayer is always that others will find that same hope and encouragement here.
  2. Hi all. Thank you for this valuable and comforting resource. I've read many of the articles and discussions on the board - along with the book - but couldn't quite recall a certain type of information. Quick background: my 6-yr old son has developed a series of increasing complex and disturbing tics. From sniffing to throat clearing to blinking to head/neck jerks. Sounds very familiar to many postings on this site. We're testing blood and urine through a local environmental physician, are supplementing fish oil (1300 mg) and calcium/magnesium (just low level supplementation at this time), and have removed gluten and dairy from diet as an initial experiment. My son seems to awake with a fair amount of blinking and head/neck jerks ... by the time we're ready to leave for school he's 80% better ... he'll start to get worse just before dinner time and is quite bad by bed time. The house is relatively low stress, minimal tv, no rugs, very clean, unscented everything. Questions for the community: I'm sure our experiences will be quite ranging, but I'm curious as to how quickly you're seeing increased tic levels once exposed to a trigger and how long increased tic-ing usually lasts? Do you see immediate reactions to a trigger? Or does it build over a period of time? If over a period, how long a period have you noticed? hour ... few hours ... days.... ? Is your experience different for environmental triggers as compared to food-related triggers? Once the trigger is removed, do you believe trigger-induced tics decrease over the course of an hour, a few hours, a few days? We're trying to think through potential triggers and all feedback would be most welcome. Thanks. Mark
  3. Hi Our son has tics that we are now trying to eliminate with antibiotics. We are working with Dr. T. I am writing because we are puzzled about his tic triggers. He is fine mostly but when he sits down to eat or brushes his teeth, his tics come back. When he sits down to eat, he starts to grimace and his vocal tics (repeated random word utterances) come back. When he brushes his teeth, his vocal tics come back. Otherwise he seems to be doing better. As these are triggered by some actions - like eating and brushing - I am wondering if Dr. Stacks (VA) work is worth looking into. DS is on Augmentin, Zithromycin and anti virals. Hope any one of you here can help me with this puzzling behavior. Many thanks Nitshel
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