I am writing from Italy - I have purchased the hardback copy of your wonderful work.
My 7 year old son has started with tics. The motor tics are moving from neck, hands, face, tongue. This has been ongoing for 2 months. The Strep cultures are negative and does not look like a PANDAS. I have met a neuro psychiatrist and a neurologist next week. I'm having so many sleepless nights since this has started. The content in the book and site is overwhelming but fantastic. In Italy there is resistance from the medical world in approaching TICS with these methods.
So far I've changed to organic food.
Trying to start some vitamin supplements possibly B and then next week ill try to get tests for the IgG food sensitivities.
The TICS that move from one muscle group to another is expected could this the transient tics - or do we have to wait for 1 year etc?