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  1. Hello, I haven't been on this forum for quite some time as we were in a pretty good place for quite some time, but we are back in the trenches and I am still actually trying to figure out if my daughter's anxiety (and mild to moderate OCD) is connected with PANS. We have been experiencing a flare since August, with no end in sight. The anxiety and rages are high, emotional regulation is at an all time low and while I don't see many OCD symptoms, at 8 she is wise and tends to hide any behaviour that she knows aren't "normal" (her words, not mine). It's been 3 years since things were this bad but I recently made a connection that is putting me back on the PANS/PANDAS track. A few years ago while we went through a similar tough 6 months, in addition to several rounds of strep throat, she developed a skin rash that was diagnosed as pityriasis lichenoides. It was on her trunk and arms and basically looked like she had the chicken pox for several months. It eventually went away on it's own. Here we are back with a major anxiety flare and once again, she has a rash - this time the doctor has suggested it is pityriasis PLEVA (just another version). Due to my daughter's phobia of any medical doctors, a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis is out of the question. Now, finally onto my question.... the doctor has prescribed a 3 month oral antibiotic to deal with the rash. While I would normally decline such a treatment (as I know the rash does eventually go away on it's own), I am tempted to go down this path - more to see if there is any improvement in her anxiety as a result of being on antibiotics. I did have her tested for strep about a month ago just out of curiosity and it came back negative but we have been in a flare since August so it's possible we just missed it. After much reading, I do see that Pityriasis is an auto-immune disease and it can be triggered by stress so it is possible the rash comes out when her anxiety is high and it is still not Pans/Pandas related but thought I would jump on here to see if anyone else has thoughts on this. The antibiotic the derm prescribed (unaware of our pans/pandas thought process or anxiety patterns) is Erythromycin... if she is in fact dealing with a pans/pandas flare, do you know if this med would be one that is sometimes used to treat the inflammation/infection/virus? Thanks in advance. Totally at a loss. It's been a long 5 months and with each day passing my empathy decreases and my frustration level increases. All of the parents on here dealing with little ones who struggle on a daily basis, my heart goes out to you. It's not for the faint at heart.. Thanks again and happy Friday everyone.
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