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Found 2 results

  1. DD is showing improvements (overcoming some OCD behaviors and doing some online school work), but liver enzymes are elevated. Could it be (wishing) that the antibiotics and antifungals have done their job and she just needs time to learn to be "normal"? I want to give her a break from the meds, but don't want to interfere with necessary treatment. I also don't want to do harm by continuing meds that might be damaging her liver... Have gotten no reply yet from the provider...
  2. I have been reading Buhner's Book on Healing Lyme Disease Coinfections. The section on Mycoplasma is great. I never knew realized what damage this horrible live bacteria could do to the body. So this mama is ready to go to war. My son has had a Genova testing done to analyze Omega 3,9,6 and saturated Fatty acids. My son is deficient in Omega 9's, Oleic, a-Linolenic , Arachidonic, and just barly in the range for Omega 6's. His AA/EPA is deficient also. I do give him fish oil but I know that these Omegas are not supposed to be mixed or they will cancel out each other. So do I need to alternate days when I give them to my son. Like MWF give fish oil and the other 4 days give Omega 9 and 6. Can Omega 9 and 6 be given together? Sorry for so many questions. Back to olive oil, Buhner recommends 2-3 ounces daily. I'm working towards that dosage with my son. I have actually found a drink to make up the olive oil and it hids the taste pretty well. Does Olive Oil help with Mycoplasma inflammation? I always thought that fish oil would help but my son cannot tell any difference with it. He has been on fish oil for at least 2 years. After reading Buhner's book, I'm totally convienced that we are dealing with Mycoplasma P. My son had testing on Monday to check for levels. Can't wait to get the results. Edit: One or two other questions. Does Olive Oil help the body detox? I add lemon to my son's water everyday. Should detoxing be done everyday when you are on an antibiotic? My son is on Bixan. So many questions, thanks in advance for any help.
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