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Found 3 results

  1. Good morning all, Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on our current situation. Dd7 has PANDAS/Bart/LYME/ Myco - dx with PANDAS 2 years ago with the Lyme & Bart dx coming about 8 months later. Still trying to get her back to baseline. Our latest flare I think was caused by a stomach virus. We saw tics and behaviors come before the bug. She then had a strep exposure at school. We are on Day 11 of a steroid taper. She is currently on a combo of Rifampin, Cefdinir, & Cipro plus Nystatin, Florastor. She had daily dosing of Motrin during the flare plus Benadryl at night. By day 7 of the prednisone taper we had to start giving Motrin again. My labs have repeatedly come up with high ASO & rising myco despite the following abx - 30 days Keflex, 60 days Cipro, and most recently 30 days of Doxycycline & Rifampin combo. I think my strep titres dropped from 574.5 to 557 after the combo abx.?? Myco went from 368 to 610.??? Now doing another 30 days of the same combo. Thinking Dd has high Myco again despite all the abx?? How can that be? She has been on abx for 2 years daily - and a combo for about 16 months. Also anyone know why I can't bring down my strep and/or Myco numbers. Wondering where we go from here?????????? Any thoughts appreciated! Teri
  2. Hi We are battling a sons tics - getting all sorts of tests done - looking at Lyme, coxsackie, myco etc. While we will do everything in our power, I just need some assurance that this has worked for some people - that there are others who have put their children through all kinds of ABX medications, anti vitals etc and achieved success. I realize only folks who are still struggling stay on in the forums but I am hoping you have heard of success and that there are some of you who have achieved it. Just need to hear of some happy endings!
  3. Hi, Was just wondering if maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to have a running list of what people think of the certain antibiotics that worked best for certain diagnosis; PANDAS/lyme/bartonella/babesia/Myco P and some combos as well. I believe you need an intracellular and extracelluar drug along with cysts buster. Any drug not good on its own? Some that work better together? How long to stay on abx / combo to see if working before switching; 1 month..2 months? Rifampin? Zithromax? Minocycline? Omnicef (Cefindir)? Doxycycline? Plaquenil? Flagyl? Tindamax? Just thought for people just beginning to deal with this or not sure, they can maybe refer back to this for help.
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