I am looking for advice re: PANS and an exacerbation of PANS symptoms in my child. I had strep throat recently and although my son did not get the infection he developed some of the typical PANS symptoms and is clearly having a flare up.
When my son has a strep infection we know to treat with 4-6 weeks of antibiotics however we do not know what to do when he is exposed to strep but is not personally ill with the infection. Wondering what has worked for others? We have started him on a course of antibiotics and have noticed dramatic improvements although we do not know if we should do the full 4-6 weeks or stop after a 10 day course. We live in a rural area in Canada and took our son Florida to be assessed and diagnosed, local doctors do not know of PANS or how to treat. We were given a great report from the FL clinic but it did not indicate how to treat a microbial excacerbation. Any advice?