My grandson who is 8 and just 5 months into a tic disorder, head/neck area, started on magnesium 10 days ago. He took 100 mg liquid twice a day in apple juice. In just 3 days he showed remarkable improvement and at the end of 7 days he was stablilized at about 80% better. Still there, but less often and not as dramatic. He and family were amazed at the difference. Also changed his vitamins to an organic brand with more B vitamins and added a probiotic.
Over the weekend, he increased in the movements back to the previous state. More TV and video were involved during this time also.
Is this because it is such a low amount per dose, or does that mean it is not as effective as we thought. I am hoping he needs more in his system and we should continue and possibly increase.
Any feedback would be appreciated...