Waiting to hear back from PCP and ENT who did the culture of my DD14's sphenoid sinus back in November but never called with the results. I just happened to be looking over lab results today and had never looked at the culture one and saw the sinus culture contained "rare gram positive cocci and few white blood cells." LLMD says this is bad and probably is a huge factor in hindering her progress after 3 years of aggressive treatment. LLMD thinks it's the MARCoNS that Shoemaker talks about so he ordered BEG spray and changed up her meds. DD14 is on day 80-something of an unrelenting headache. Gram positive cocci were also found in a blood culture last week, but we are re-running test to confirm since I don't think phlebotomist cleaned her skin long enough to prevent contaminating the sample. If the blood is positive for the same bacteria in the sinuses, what does this mean? DD was prophylactically started on Rifampin and Doxy yesterday.
For those of you who have gone down the Lyme/sinus/mold/MARCoNS path, can you give me your opinion on finding gram positive cocci (LLMD says it's most likely staph) and WBCs in the sinuses?