DD14 is still quite ill despite 3 years of aggressive ILADS treatment for Babesia, Bartonella, Mycoplasma, Brucella, viruses, yeast, etc. We've addressed diet, MTHFR, detox, immune support, etc.
I finally took her to an immunologist at the request of her neurologist who is treating her for Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (which 3 of her doctors believe was caused by Brucella). He is concerned that she has such a long history of weird infections.
So the immunologist ran some basic immune function tests (we already knew her total IGG levels are normal; only subclass 3 IGG are low).
Her CD19 (B cells) came back low - even the lab flagged them as low - yet the immunologist said they are still normal since they "aren't low enough to be concerned." Ugh.
Believe me, I don't need one more diagnosis for my daughter. However, how low is low enough to be taken seriously?
Her CD19 levels are 7% (range is 9-30) and Absolute CD19 is 117 (range 130-800).
The fact that she her symptoms and lab tests were never "bad enough" is what delayed her getting help in the first place. I believe that she has been sick with tick-borne illnesses most of her life, but no doctor would take her seriously because her labs always looked "normal enough."