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  1. Hi Three years ago, due to his paranoia, my son was placed out of district in a therapeutic school where psychotherapy, process group, and psychiatric support are given inside the school with a classification of Emotional Disturbance in his IEP. He has been in this therapeutic school for more than 2 years and now he is 18 years old and repeating his 12th grade due to insufficient credits for graduation on time. He is expected to finish all his high school credits and to leave the school in summer. For the meanwhile I need to look into whether he should be placed in some training schools and hold onto his high school diploma for more support from the special education system or if he is ready for college. Currently, his paranoia is almost none but his major challenge is OCD which interferes him with being on time to school significantly. A few months ago he had a psychological test from outside and was found to have ASD. My question is: IS IT worthy to make a request to his IEP team for a change of his classification of disabilities from “Emotional Disturbance” to “Autism”. My concern is just the stigma associated with "Emotional Disturbance" may go with him wherever he goes in the future (or as along as he has IEP!). Thanks
  2. My DS15 starts his freshman year of high school in September. His PANS started the beginning of March and we were lucky enough to figure it out and get him treated with abx by the end of April. He is still on Augmentin. He has made a ton of progress this past month. His symptoms have decreased about 90%. Since he missed three months of school we decided to try and get him back in a learning/school environment. We enrolled him in a video game development camp. This is something that HE wanted to do. It was his decision to go. After two days of camp he was unable to go back. His symptoms came back full force. Luckily it took only about 48 hours to recover back to where he was before the camp. Clearly even though his symptoms had decreased a great deal his BRAIN has not healed or recovered fully. Do we know how long this process could take??? Is it a good idea or bad idea to slowly introduce academic work now? He has math he needs to make up that he missed this spring or he will have to repeat Algebra 1. Can I slowly give him some of it over the summer? Or is it a bad idea while his brain is still healing? Do I need to get a 504 plan? or an IEP? What do I ask for? What would my child need? Parents of PANS/PANDAS kids who are in high school, what was there experience like? I really am terrified and want to plan ahead as much as I can. Would love to hear your advice, experiences! Thanks SEAMOM
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