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  1. Hi everyone, I thought I should share my story now as it is really starting to affect me physically and emotionally after having 'tic's for between 5-10 years now which I always assumed would stop them selves. However, at the age of 22, they are really affecting my lifestyle. From as far back as I can remember, I have always been fidgety, whereby I would tense either side of my neck, twitch (clench) my buttox or raise my eyebrows (which all occurred at different times and varied in the amount I would do one or the other). The main issue today is my raising of the eyebrows though, which is the main problem affecting my day to day life. I have this constant feeling I need to tense them together (in the middle) which I have no counteracted with (what is hard to explain) a twitch whereby I use the muscles above my ears to pull my skin/muscle back which provides the same satisfaction. This satisfaction I believe is to reduce the tension from the constant headache I have from the minute I wake up till the second I sleep. This problem is affecting me physically as I believe this twitch of the raised eyebrows has reshaped my brow-bone whereby I dislike looking at myself in the mirror/pictures now because it looks like I have caused this facial change. The next problem is the fact it is constantly causing me headaches and worry which has affected my university studies! I did previously get referred to a neurological hospital many years ago which did not achieve any results, however a year ago I did get referred again for a botox injection in my forehead which unfortunately did not work, and due to my studies I did not follow it up. I have since been back to the GP and been forwarded to get this procedure as the first time did not work properly (GP believed they didnt use enough/put it in the correct place). I have used the internet to try find solutions which has recently resulted me in increasing my magnesium levels, however it has still not helped! I do hope anyone has some advise for me or if anyone has been through the same could help me solve these tics (if they are even tics!) Regards, Andy
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