Son (10 yr old) has Pandas and has had such a personality change. Started off with sadness and OCD w focus issues. They thought he was depressed. Always happy in the past. Doc put him on Prozac(only 1 month) and he went psychotic. Then off to Dr T(NJ) and he diagnosed with Pands/Pans It has been three months off all meds except anti b's and anti v prescribed by Dr T . Most disturbing is his change in personality. He is only ten and acts like a 16 yr old with an attitude. Likes to curse and has strong opposition to his parent (us). He was a straight A student with NO behavioral issue other than a bit manipulative, but never talked back or cursed.EVER!! Rages if we try and direct his actions let alone any discipline. Where is my kind and gentle child!! He sometimes will ask me the same! Can this immune attack change them like this for real!?? or does he have ODD and bipolar over nite? Dr T says it's Pandas but some kids have other things as well on top of it. He never ha any of this before!