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We have been requested to share information about a research study (University of Detroit Mercy) related to the experience of caring for a child with PANDAS. A PANDAS parent is overseeing the conducting of confidential interviews. Wanted: Research participants When: Immediately Purpose: to answer a short questionnaire over the phone, the phone call will be recorded, questions pertain to the experience of caring for a child with PANDAS. Children or teens who have PANDAS may also respond to the questions with parental permission. This study is being performed by the University of Detroit Mercy Objectives of Proposed Project: The objective of this study is to understand the experiences of living with Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associate with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) from the perspective of the children living with the disorder and their families. Brief Description of Research Plan: Families and their children with PANDAS will be interviewed regarding their experiences. Structured and unstructured interview questions will be asked. Subjects will be contacted through a spokesperson (Mary Crombez) who is the parent of a PANDAS child and a family organizer for the disorder. Parents, grandparents and children living with the disorder agreeing to participate in the study will participate in at least one interview expected to take about 1 hour. The interviews will be tape recorded, transcribed and verbal transcriptions will be analyzed. Subsequent and follow-up interviews may be conducted to clarify analyzed data or obtain additional information. The results will be written and published in a scholarly journal. For more information or to set up your phone contact day/time please email: Mary Crombez,