DS15 who has PANS has been treated for multiple suspected infections by an LLMD - he's been on abx, antifungals and antivirals for 2.5 years now (orals for 1+ years and daily IVs for 15 months). He started monthly HD-IVIG January 2013 since getting diagnosed with CVID in January 2012 (of course, we hope it will also help with PANS)
His bloodwork in the last 2 years has only been positive for strep and IGG low-positive for Mycoplasma but he has been treated based on clinical symptoms and other positive results in other family members for Babesia, Bartonella, Lyme.
His bloodwork from 2 weeks ago (4 weeks post-IVIG) showed an high positive IGM for Mycoplasma (1874 and upper limit is 950).
What would explain the sudden IGM result? Do you think he is finally fighting off the infection since IVIG is giving his immune system a boost?
Mind you, he is completely asymptomatic for Mycoplasma other than fatigue and a little sniffle. He is currently not in a PANS exacerbation nor does he attend school or leave the house much since his immune system is so compromised right now (very low WBC and low IGG).