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Found 3 results

  1. My 13yo got her diagnosis this year after struggling with tics, OCD, and anxiety for most of her life. Now that we're on the road to healing and a better understanding of what's going on, I have a lot of questions about flare-ups. We are avoiding many different foods that showed up as reactive on a food intolerance test, but something caused a huge flare about a week ago and it hasn't quite waned away yet. My questions are: Can you usually tell what causes a flare in your child? What types of things cause flares, and how long do they last? What do you do when you notice a flare? Can you give certain supplements or vitamins or other during a flare to reduce the duration? What else should I know about flares? Its been a discouraging week. Vocal and Motor tics that haven't been around for months are suddenly back with a vengeance...I *think* I know what caused it, but why is the flare lasting so long if the exposure was a one-time thing? (full disclosure, it seems like it was from a dairy-free flavored iced coffee that she drank)
  2. We've only knowingly been treating for Lyme since mid-July, and added a 2nd abx (biaxin) and a biofilm dissolver in mid-Aug so I know we have a long ways to go. Ten days after adding that 2nd abx, tics started to decrease. So after an amazing first week of school where tics were quite low, DS picks up a cold and now he's worse again. Pretty much back to the beginning when he was only on one abx. Cold is gone, but tics are up. So I'm just wondering if the flares will lessen over time, as he remains on treatment. Or because the tics are autoimmune caused, and the treatment is addressing the Lyme/co, I need to do something else.
  3. Hello New to the group. I have DD 6 and DS 7 both showing signs of PANS/PANDAS. OCD/ RAGES to start and subsided with abx. Wanted to know how many flares are seen from your child and how long they last (days , weeks)
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