Three years ago, due to his paranoia, my son was placed out of district in a therapeutic school where psychotherapy, process group, and psychiatric support are given inside the school with a classification of Emotional Disturbance in his IEP. He has been in this therapeutic school for more than 2 years and now he is 18 years old and repeating his 12th grade due to insufficient credits for graduation on time.
He is expected to finish all his high school credits and to leave the school in summer. For the meanwhile I need to look into whether he should be placed in some training schools and hold onto his high school diploma for more support from the special education system or if he is ready for college.
Currently, his paranoia is almost none but his major challenge is OCD which interferes him with being on time to school significantly.
A few months ago he had a psychological test from outside and was found to have ASD.
My question is: IS IT worthy to make a request to his IEP team for a change of his classification of disabilities from “Emotional Disturbance” to “Autism”. My concern is just the stigma associated with "Emotional Disturbance" may go with him wherever he goes in the future (or as along as he has IEP!).