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  1. I don’t post very much because when my twins are home from pre-school the minute I open the iPads they both grab one & jump on ABC Mouse. Background: my son is 3.5 years old he has had PDD-NOS since he was 18months maybe longer. He has a twin brother & they were initially both verbal at 16 months then one progressed verbally & social and the other had terrible diarrhea & stomach problems for many months & he then did not progress, he actually regressed for a year. I see a DAN that was in California but is now in Florida & my son is on Methyl B-12 injections, DMG, Digestive Enzymes before meals & cod liver oil & Probiotics. No dairy no wheat and limited carbohydrates is his diet. After 60 days of Methyl B-12 & DMG he began to talk, he can spell and writes things to me with his ABC sets that I bought him. He ACES the spell curriculum on ABC mouse (more than his Nuerotypical brother), but he is not social and he still vocally stims very loudly 3 times a day for an hour each time. So 3 hours a day. At that time it is very difficult to pull him out & back with us. This usually happens when people are at our house or if we are in a store. Currently he is on his 3rd round in 6 months of Fluconazole & Cefdinir. He makes big social & verbal gains when he is on this course. He can communicate better and stims a little less. Two days ago I accidental missed his Fluconazole and he had trouble communicating the next day, so now I am thinking the Fluconazole is the most helpful. Where do we take this? I need advice? IVIG? Stem Cells? Fecal transplant from brother? GcMAF? What could replace these medication rounds OR do the medication rounds sometimes help workout the problem for good? Please let me know.
  2. I am relatively new to this group, but I do look up answers a lot in the last few months since there are so many knowledgeable people on here. Question: DMG, Enhansa, Methyl B-12. My son is 3.5 and on DAN treatment for 4 months & doing well. He is on Methyl B-12 injections prescribed by his DAN & DMG. I recently upped his DMG slightly due to parents mention of gains from DMG.... & BAM my son went from labeling things with one word to using 2 or 3 word phrases, & kind of role playing when he plays like his Nuerotypical twin. So then he seemed yeastier, I had to use Lotrimin in his diaper, which I hadn't needed to do in a while. So I added a tiny bit of Enhansa to our regiment to counter balance the yeast. Enhansa is supposed to boost Glutathione while still being an antifungal. OK that works but one day I used a tiny bit too much & he was itchy everywhere, so backed it down to 250mg twice a day. He is 35 pounds. He also take AFP Peptize & Tri-Enza before meals. Does DMG come in an injection, would that keep the progress yet keep the yeast-beast away I would love to find that right combination for my child (that puzzle piece) & what is Deplin? Any help is appreciated
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