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  1. Here is a blog that is loaded with a few more websites and helpful things to help interpret your results. Has anyone used the Nutrahacker site to see if they are on track with the right supplements? I am thinking about entering my son's results. http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/mthfr/ Here are a few more articles that explain Sam-E. The last article discuess Sam-e and histamine. http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/76/5/1151S.full http://thyroid.about.com/od/MTHFR-Gene-Mutations-and-Polymorphisms/fl/The-Link-Between-MTHFR-Gene-Mutations-and-Disease-Including-Thyroid-Health.htm
  2. I finally got my son's 23 and me test results back. First of all, thanks LLM for your post for 23 and ME. This has helped so much. The genes that showed up really do influence the symptoms that my son is having. I will be sharing these results with the cardiologist because he will be open to this. He will be more than willing to do testing to check for sulfite and ammonia levels in the body. My son did not have any SHMT or ACAT, However, he did have 4 hetrozygous CBS genes show up and 4 Hetrozygous MTHFR genes. As for Homzygous genes, this showed up in MAO AR297R, MTRR A66G, NOS 3, CETP,MEFV,TNF, and RAD 50. I am ready to switch off some of these genes to see if I can get rid of some of these horrible symptoms. Of course I know that I will have to go slow and get the CBS problems corrected first. His illness and inflammation problems are beginning to make more sense. I have ordered urine test strips to check for sulfite levels. Has anyone found a home test kit to check for ammonia levels? I will be monitoring sulfites weekly and start working harder with my son's diet. I have decided to take out cow's milk first. Does anyone have a favorite milk subsitute and a easy way to lower sulfites. Wish I and everyone else on the forum had an "Easy Button" for all these immune related illness. Edit: My son also has 3 COMT genes that are -/-. My son needs methyl B-12. Gotta get his CBS corrected first or his body is not going to get what it needs to be able to function better. His body is very senstivity to pain and he is a slow metbolizer. He is +/+ for CYP2D6 S486T and +/- for CYP1A2 164A>C.
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